Kreuzberg 3
Möckernstr. 68
10965 Berlin
Photo: Luca S

1 / Alexander Technique into Movement

Workshop with Tanja Hübner, Mireia Aragones

In the frame of Winter Tanz 2015-16

Expanding into the Unknown

With the help of images, body mapping, hands on and movement we will understand and explore the basic principles of Alexander Technique, which underlie and support all of our actions. In a playful way we will develop a state of ease, presence, flexibility and free of judgements. This will enable us to improvise and find new possibilities of movement. We will discover the richness of movement and force of live that can evolve from the deep and respectful listening of a non doing body. A journey that allows us to embody different qualities by keeping the inner quiet and softness of our body and mind.

Tanja Hübner

Tanja Hübner's work combines dance and contact improvisation, somatic methods and the Alexander Technique. Her special focus lies on early childhood reflexes and movement patterns. Since 2010 she assists in the Alexander Technique classes of Elisabeth Molle at the University Center for Dance in Berlin (HzT) and since 2019 in the movement evolution training of Martina Kunstwald in Bremen.

Mireia Aragones

Mireia Aragones is an improviser, Pilates trainer and Alexander technique teacher, informed by different dance methods and somatic practices. She teaches regularly in Berlin, assists Elisabeth Molle in HZT and gives workshops abroad. Collaborations with different artists and member of Imprevu Berlin.

Level: open