Performance by Shannon Cooney
“every one everyone” is a performance in proximity. This performance seeks to amplify inherent person-to-person sensorial connectivity via a dance attuned with each body’s fluid dynamic rhythm*. A sound and light en- vironment provides the setting. Audience members are invited to move freely in the space.Performers are given a movement with the guidance of the choreographer in the form of a sway in sync with their fluid dynamic rhythm. After a time, within a room tuned to the many rhythms of the performers, audience members are welcome to join the choreographer and performers, one-by-one, and sway for as long as they feel compelled.
*The Craniosacral rhythm is the phasic filling and emptying of cerebrospinal fluid.
Concept, choreography, performance: Shannon Cooney | Dramaturgy: Igor Dobricic | Light design: Sandra Blatterer | Sound design: Anke Eckardt | Costume: Heather MacCrimmon | Production management: M.i.C.A. - Movement in Contemporary Art | A Production of Shannon Cooney in cooperation with Tanzfabrik Berlin supported by Haupstadtkulturfonds (2013), Canada Council for the Arts (2013), and Regierender Bürgermeister von Berlin Senatskanzlei – Kulturelle Angelegenheiten.