This somatic dance/movement practice is a practice created to expand the felt-sense and consciousness of vision while in movement. Shared though a series of mandalas (or practices) it enables one to find a unique path to research consciously how vision as an expanded sense can tune one into one’s body and acutely to the present. Beyond self-oriented practice, practices with others challenges and enriches subtle and powerful forms of witnessing. This becomes a vital and reliable tool for performance. Moveable Cinema exists within the frame of Dynamic Expansion, an integrated and somatic approach to orient to the Craniosacral System; tuning into its waves and stillness phenomena, grounds the practice.
This practice offers many possible applications to one’s personal artistic/creative work or practice including: a vibrant palette/range of movement qualities, joy in movement, fine-tuned visual field perception, enhanced depth of focus, heightened and subtle states of presence, refined self-perception skills, new systems of connecting with self others and, profound and grounded experiences in the sensorial field.