Kreuzberg 2
Möckernstr. 68
10965 Berlin

S 03 / Bartenieff Fundamentals

Workshop with Christel Büche, Katrin Bär

In the frame of Sommer Tanz 2015 / Open Spaces#2-2015

The Bartenieff Fundamentals convey insights into the early development of movement and allow an experience of the basic principles of movement. In simple exercises and sequences (‚Basic Six’) they offer an instruction to perceive and extend the connection to ones own body. It addresses everyone interested in a deeper unterstanding of movement.This year’s workshop will happen with a limited number of participants, allowing a more intense exploration of the Bartenieff Fundamentals.
The workshop will be taught by Katrin Bär and Christel Büche, both long-term teachers of the Eurolab training certificate programme.  www.laban-eurolab.org 

Pre-requisite for the EUROLAB training certificate programme

Christel Büche

Christel Büche is a certified social pedagogue and dance therapist (BTD), trained in modern stage dance, since 1993 CMA (Certified Movement Analyst), advanced training in KMP (Kestenberg Movement Profile), and yoga, as well as Alternative Practitioner for psychotherapy. Freelance dance and movement pedagogue / therapist, trainer at the Tanztherapie-Institut Berlin and teacher in the certificate program of EUROLAB. www.christel-bueche.de 

Katrin Bär

Katrin Bär, Dance and Movement pedagogue since 1987, Movement Analyst (CMA), further training as a Psychoenergetic therapist with Peter Schellenbaum, social work with children, women and families,body-oriented Psychotherapy (HPG). Her work is influenced by western and eastern movement systems; the main focus is on a holistic understanding of movement.

Level: open