Kreuzberg 4
Möckernstr. 68
10965 Berlin
Foto: Dhgivan Paak

S 01 / Contact Improvisation Fundamentals

Workshop with Andrew Harwood

In the frame of Sommer Tanz 2015 / Open Spaces#2-2015

The mind, body and heart of contact improvisation
This workshop is open to all curious minds and playful bodies. It will focus on reaching a balance between the mental, physical and emotional qualities used to create an engaging contact duet. Cultivating an open-receptive attitude and being attentive in each and every moment will enable us to stay attuned to what is actually taking place and to remain present. Practicing various skills will help us recognize our familiar choices and go beyond our habitual, known responses. Making contact with another being implies a nurturing environment, which allows us to take risks, exchange, communicate and witness.

Andrew Harwood

Andrew Harwood has been influential in the development of contact improvisation and the research, education, development and dissemination of improvisation as a performing art for 38 years. Taught and performed worldwide. Recipient of the Canada Council’s Jacqueline-Lemieux award for the year 2000.
Level: Open
Language: English