What does it mean for you to gather? What are the physical self-organizations and dancerly skills that are activated in relation to a ‘being together’ as movers? In this movement research project, we will focus on the state of being in relation: in relation to oneself, to another, to the environment around oneself. Through longer sessions of guided improvisations based on somatic work, practicing in small groups and sharing reflections, we will explore the skill of communication through movement. Gradually, we will turn outwards towards a possible outside viewer, and reflect on what could be a material, choreographic principle and specific performativity emerging from the practice. Meeting twice a week will allow us to create a temporary community, to get familiar with each other and through this stable ground, to learn about oneself within the practice of relating through moving. The performance project will culminate in an intimate showing where certain propositions will be shared.
Additionally there is a Contemporary class with May Zarhy from 28.10.–18.12.2024 | Mon & Wed 18:15-19:45
This class integrates somatic work with influences from Feldenkrais Method, starting off with soft anatomical and sensorial awareness warm-up directing focus inwards. Drawing attention to breath and spine movement, we will gradually connect to our cores and move the energy up and across the space opening awareness to the other moving bodies. Eventually leading into an improvisational flow, where one’s listening and sensitivity are at the center of attention.