Let‘s talk about work (and life). How to work - now and in the future. by Siegmar Zacharias, Florian Feigl, Jörg Laue, Mattef Kuhlmey
Siegmar Zacharias studied philosophy, comparative literature & performance art. She now works in theory and practice in the field of performance. She works in situations of embodied thinking together through matters and matter. This practice collides approaches from philosophy, with pop culture, science and parascience, observing and realising the entanglement of the relations of human and non-human actors in different constellations into an ecology of performance. Her works develop formats of performances, lectures, installations, discursive formats and sharing, dealing with questions of agency, the contract of the willful suspension of disbelief and the critical substance it produces.They are situated between labour and humour, do-it-yourself low tech and high tech. They have been presented nationally and internationally at festivals, in theatres, galleries, green houses, clubs, the woods, and up in the sky. She is the co-founder of the transdisciplinary group SXS Enterprise and initiator of Women On Work- WOW We work here, a platform of exchange of Berlin based artists. www.siegmarzacharias.com
Mattef Kuhlmey is a musician, sound designer and music teacher. With his band ALP he plays silentmovie soundtracks, his label FORTSCHRITT MUSIK is a platform for companioned bands, in the project LANTERNA FUTURI he teaches for fifteen years, Polish, Czech and German youth. For several years he worked as a theater musician, mainly in the field of dance theater and performance, with a substantial interest in the exploration and balance of technical possibilities and musical traditions.
www.mattef.com, www.fortschritt-musik.de