Inspired by Audre Lorde, Tricia Hersey, Tracee Stanley and many more, Isabelle Dikumbi has created “The Rest Bath.“ "The Rest Bath" is a workshop to let yourself be soothed by slowness and ease. You will receive impulses and inspiration for creating your own rest practices as we indulge in breathing, soft movement, visualization, journaling and collective dreaming. Use this workshop to integrate & reflect the experiences you made during the festival and to let them transform you. Together we will envision a new future letting our dreams be our resistance. Soften so you can listen to your wisdom within. Rest is Resistance. Rest is Revolution. What to expect: Breathwork, gentle movements, Visualization, journaling, sound spheres being in community. What to bring: Soft clothing, warm covers (socks, pullover), a journaling book, water bottle. Something to put on the altar if you want.
Information on accessibility will be published here 2 weeks before the workshop.