Uferstudios 5
Badstr. 41A, Uferstr. 23
13357 Berlin
Photo: Nir Arieli

The Body is a Shoreline

Workshop by mayfield brooks

In the frame of Emerging Change Tanzfestival

This workshop is also an invitation to decompose like the whale fall - a whale's decomposition after it dies and falls to the ocean floor. How can practices of decomposing, falling, and surrendering to currents & tides fuel more opportunities to ride the waves of spontaneous movement creation? What is my body’s shoreline like? How can different ecologies of cellular integration emerge through voice, sound and movement? What does surrendering to a moment, an impulse, an interspecies relation, a resistance practice, or transgression look like? Other questions that may arise are; How can I create dance offerings of solidarity to other shorelines and dance for and with liberation struggles throughout the world? In this process an interspecies, relational ancestral connection may emerge. May we find rest and play at the shoreline.

Information on accessibility will be published here 2 weeks before the workshop.

mayfield brooks

mayfield brooks (they/them) improvises while black* and is based in Lenapehoking, the unceded land of the Lenape people, also known as New York City. brooks is a movement-based performance artist, vocalist, urban farmer, writer, and wanderer. brooks teaches and performs practices that arise from Improvising while Black (IWB), their interdisciplinary dance methodology which explores the decomposed matter of Black life and engages in dance improvisation, disorientation, dissent, and ancestral healing. www.improvisingwhileblack.com/
*mayfield’s choreographic approach, Improvising while Black or IWB, developed after mayfield began to write about their personal experience of being racially profiled as they were Driving while Black or DWB in San Francisco, California. IWB is an interdisciplinary dance project that lives in the question of Blackness, and explores vocal and dance improvisation, (de)composition, breath choreographies, and pedagogies of embodied liberation. Like an ecology, IWB is continually evolving and moving.
Duration: 17:00–20:00
For everyone
Participation free of charge with registration
Donations welcome
Funded by Hauptstadtkulturfonds (HKF) and Senatsverwaltung für Kultur und Gesellschaftlichen Zusammenhalt (IMPACT Förderung).
Logos HKF and Senatverwaltung für Kultur und gesellschaftlichen Zusammenhalt