Uferstudios 5
Badstr. 41A, Uferstr. 23
13357 Berlin
Photo: Amanda Tipton

Post-Failure Potentials

Workshop by Makisig Akin & Anya Cloud / The Love Makers Company

In the frame of Emerging Change Tanzfestival

Through our ongoing dance research of queer love centered survival practices this workshop asks: What if embodied queerness can be an ally and a visionary strategy for racial justice work? What can we do together that we cannot do alone? What if inviting otherness/queerness can give us the space necessary to find, decide, construct, destroy, reinvent, and take-on expanding ways of being and inhabiting the multiplicity of you, me, and we? What is possible when love is stronger than fear? We will practice taking care as we traverse the complex realities of being racialized and gendered bodies in relationship with one another. This will be a queer, trans, and BIPoC centered space. Through our intersectional identities, we will draw on practices of the basic fundamentals of Traditional Northern Style Kung Fu Chinese Martial Arts, contact improvisation, improvisation, Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, Feldenkrais®, dance making, activism and how these ideologies can be implemented in our dancing bodies. This research material also includes building skills and practices of agency, consent, touch, positionality, generosity, endurance, risk-taking, decision-making, and collaboration. We will develop our individual and collective capacity through dancing and verbal discussion. Let’s deeply sensitize and activate our dancing capacities as humans from many different orientations. Let’s keep finding strategies to be softly hardcore. We will DANCE.

Information on accessibility will be published here 2 weeks before the workshop.

Makisig Akin & Anya Cloud / The Love Makers Company

Makisig Akin (they/them) and Anya Cloud (she/they) love each other. They have been collaborating and imagining together for 12 years. As queer dance artists/activists/educators their work is deeply rooted in the politics of the body and intersectional identity, indebtedness to ancestors and descendants, love, inventing new strategies for being intimately together, and cultivating radical aliveness. Makisig is originally from the Phillipines and Anya is originally from Alaska. They co-direct The Love Makers Company and are currently based between Berlin and Colorado. Together, they created two choreographic works titled We Are (nothing) Everything and Long & Wild, which both premiered in Berlin in 2023. We Are (nothing) Everything is now touring internationally. They regularly co-teach together including at Tanzfabrik Berlin Schule, ImPulsTanz, Being Touch, Wainsgate Dances, Seattle Festival of Dance Improvisation, and The Field Center among others.
Duration: 17:00–20:00
For everyone
Participation free of charge with registration
Donations welcome
Funded by Hauptstadtkulturfonds (HKF) and Senatsverwaltung für Kultur und Gesellschaftlichen Zusammenhalt (IMPACT Förderung).
Logos HKF and Senatverwaltung für Kultur und gesellschaftlichen Zusammenhalt