Kreuzberg 3
Möckernstr. 68
10965 Berlin
Photo: Elise Scheider

Ecology & Body-Mind Centering®

Workshop with Jens Johannsen

In the frame of Summer/ing at Tanzfabrik

Ecology begins with your body Sergej Grotowsky
We find in ourselves the waters, the rocks, plants, the air, the sun and stars, density and space, as they make up the world that surrounds us. Everything existing consists of similar constitution of atoms, elements and design. In BMC® we explore our physical body to unite body and mind. We move and dance, touch and sense, speak and listen to share the depths or our experience. Including a sense of belonging to the bigger world from our beginning we dive into the world of anatomy-based explorations, breathing, differentiated movement-awareness.
Even though in BMC® superficially focuses on the physical body, the work is so much more than physical.

Accessibility Note
This workshop will take place in English. German explanations are possible upon request. A sufficient sense of balance, experience in group work and the basic willingness to touch and be touched by partners are prerequisites. Being able to spend some time in silence is good. This workshop is not about correct body shapes. If you have special needs, please contact me before booking. Information about our location & studio access in Kreuzberg, which unfortunately are not wheelchair accessible, can be found here. For questions or more information, please contact Zoé Duflot at workshop@tanzfabrik-berlin.de

Jens Johannsen

Jens Johannsen, *1959, explores movement, expression, dance and meditation since 1979. He started his Body-Mind Centering® training with Bonnie Bainbridge Cohen in 1986, Practitioner since ´89, teacher since `92, BMC training director and teacher-trainer since 2003. Jens contributed to the founding of BMC®-trainings in the UK, Brazil and Australasia. He co-founded the German BMC® training institution moveus.
Level: Open
In English 
Preis: 200/175€*
*Early bird until 05.07.24