This workshop will be a somatic approach to my teaching practice “Vibrant Body” with an analytical and sensorial focus.
The aim will be to offer tools that can allow the participants to gain a deeper understanding of their body’s functionality — its anatomy, layers and mobility. Building on this we can learn about the endless possibilities to direct movement through our bodies and create sensation that can induce and stimulate pleasure, ecstasy, trance states and emotional release.
Throughout we will acknowledge and utilize external and internal circumstances and influences that have direct or indirect effects on our movement.
The workshop will lead to a place where we can embark on individual and collective sensorial movement journeys that aim to empower and celebrate each participant as part of the collective making the visual experience of movement peripheral.
Accessibility Note
The workshop will sometimes include loud music with strong bass. There may also be direct physical contact with other participants, with mutual consent being sought first, of course. The workshop will be held in English and movement experience is required. Information about our location & studios in Kreuzberg, which unfortunately are not wheelchair accessible, can be found
here. For questions or more information, please contact Zoé Duflot at