The dancing body moves in and through time, timing and tempo, through many listening layers. Our practice in this workshop is to consciously and physically dive into exploring these layers and deepen our sense of musicality. Appreciating the dynamics inside our improvised / set compositions both linearly and atmospherically, and attentive to singular punctuation, rhythmicality and a large-continuum; the work aims to create a vibrant relationship between our movement and our perception of time. The practice integrates touch, flow, articulation and momentum as guiding techniques. Following these gestures and their rhythms, we study and encounter the complementary, playful and urgent interplay between physical motion, music and dance.
The workshop is aimed for movers, dancers, musicians and performers. Movement /dance background experience is required.
Accessibility note
The workshop is taught in English. Questions, translations and clarifications regarding the studied materials are integrated in the sessions. The work includes hands-on exercises, partnering and touch. All the exercises and tasks are guided with a high awareness and respect, through and towards the professional and creative themes that are learned in the course. All themes, tasks and feedback are handled with experience, attentiveness, and communication with all the workshop's participants. Information about our location & studios in Kreuzberg, which unfortunately are not wheelchair accessible, can be found
here. For questions or more information, please contact Zoé Duflot at