Photo: Diana Zhang

Living the Dance – The Ceremony

Workshop with Koffi Kôkô

In the frame of Summer/ing at Tanzfabrik

The dancer and choreographer Koffi Kôkô is considered one of the most important co-founders of the modern African dance scene. In his home country of Benin, he is a high dignitary of the Voudou religion. His workshop, La Cérémonie, focuses on the relationship to one's own body, on personality and individual expressiveness, as well as on the symbolism of gestures in African dance. The repetition of steps and movements in interaction with the music allows for a holistic, lived experience of dance. Dancing outside in the direct and actual experience of nature – earth and stones underfoot, trees as resonators of music, the sound of the wind – opens a space for new experiences. Space for reflection as well as exchange with each other and with Koffi support the process of understanding. Dance as a physical and spiritual experience and as communication with oneself, with nature, the gods and society.

Thur 25.07.2024 – Talk with Koffi Kôkô after the workshop

Please note:
The workshop will take place outdoors
WHERE: HaselHorst13 - venue for live music in Berlin 
DIRECTION: U-Bahn 7 to Haselhorst, 500m on foot 
Please provide enough of your own drinks and snacks. No running water on site, toilet facilities available. 

Accessibility Note
The workshop will be held in spoken English, follow up questions and clarification can also be asked in French. The workshop is accompanied by live percussion and is open for all with some previous experience in movement/dance. For questions or more information, please contact Zoé Duflot at workshop@tanzfabrik-berlin.de

Koffi Kôkô

Koffi Kôkô (FR/BJ) was born in Benin, West Africa, where he grew up in close contact with the animist religion of his home. In 2004 and 2005 he was curator and together with Johannes Odenthal artistic director of the festival In Transit (HKW, Berlin). With Ismael Ivo he choreographed and danced the play »The Maids« under the direction of Yoshi Oida. In addition to Koffi Kôkôs most important work u. a. »Passage«, »D’une rive à l'autre«, »Terre rougeâtre«, »Ça« and »Les feuilles qui résistent au vent«. He choreographed a.o. at the Kennedy Center in Washington, Barbican Center in London, Tanztheater Verena Weiss, Lucerne.
Level: Movement experience
Live Music: Koami Vignon Antonini, Janos Crecelius
In English 
Preis: 320/280€*
*Early bird until 28.06.24