Uferstudios 4
Badstr. 41A, Uferstr. 23
13357 Berlin
Photo: Jones Seitz & Olivia Hyunsin Kim

Time to Meet – «Foam» (WT)

Showing by Olivia Hyunsin Kim, Jones Seitz

Time to Meet! At the end of their R.E.D. residencyat the Tanzfabrik Bühne, Olivia Hyunsin Kim & Jones Seitz give an insight into their artistic working process.

Based on the fact that the work of freelance artists with chronic illnesses or disabilities is insufficiently protected by society, Olivia Hyunsin Kim & Jones Seitz test a practice of rest and self-care as a collective practice of care. In doing so, they bring a problem that has been shifted into the space of the individual back to the center of society. The artists draw inspiration for the specific artistic social space they want to create from the social commitment that activist groups showed to marginalized groups in the USA in the 1950s in order to compensate for the lack of state support. The special feature: the commitment was not aimed at individuals, but at communities, for example in the form of safer spaces. The term self-care used today, understood as an individualized strategy of self-care, also originally stems from a socially ambitious practice.

The showing will be followed by a discussion with the artists.

The show lasts approx. 40 minutes and takes place in Studio 4. Early boarding (early access to seats) is available for people with mobility impairments. There is no late seating after the performance has started. 
A limited number of beanbags will be available during early boarding for visitors with physical disabilities. These can be reserved at ticket@tanzfabrik-berlin.de.
Studio 4 is completely at ground level and therefore accessible without steps; the barrier-free toilet is located in front of Studio 3.
If you have any further questions about the access requirements for this performance, please contact: kommunikation@tanzfabrik-berlin.de.
General information on accessibility can be found on our website at: https://www.tanzfabrik-berlin.de/en/barrierefreiheit#

Olivia Hyunsin Kim

Olivia Hyunsin Kim (she/her) works as a choreographer and curator. In 2019, she won first place in the Amadeu Antonio Art Prize and completed her MA in Choreography and Performance at the Institute of Applied Theater Studies in Giessen, Germany, with honors. Prior to that, she completed her BA in German Studies at Seoul National University, also with honors, and studied dance at the University of Hawai'i at Mānoa and Falmouth University. She was a resident artist at Impulstanz 2017, at the Goethe-Institut Montréal & Circuit-Est centre choréographique 2022, at the Tarabya Cultural Academy in Istanbul 2021-2023, and at the Goethe-Institut Salvador 2023. In the 2022/23 season she is composer-in-residence at the Staatsoper Hannover. Her work has been shown at Sophiensælen Berlin, tanzhaus nrw Düsseldorf, Rote Fabrik Zurich, Art Sonje Center Seoul, and Museo Universitario del Chopo Mexico City, among others. Under the ddanddarakim, she works in recurring constellations with artists from different disciplines on choreographic works with a queer-feminist and postcolonial focus. 

Jones Seitz

Jones Seitz (none or they/them) is a media technician for image and sound (SWR Baden-Baden) and studied Applied Theatre Studies at the Justus Liebig University in Gießen and the Universidade do Porto. In 2018, Jones founded the FLINTA network “Gefährliche Arbeit” together with Rosa Wernecke. In addition to their own artistic research on resistance, in-between spaces and materiality, Jones takes on the lighting and video design of free projects. They have been working on various artistic projects and installations together with Susana Alonso since 2021. Selection of collaborations: Light and video design for ddanddarakim on “History has failed us, but…” (2022), “Like daughter, like mother” (2021) and “Say my name, Say my name” (2019); video design for Simone Dede Ayivi on “Let's just be friends” (2022), “esmalbesserhabenin.de” (online installation, 2022), “Homecooking” (2021), “The kids are alright” (2020), “Solidaritätsstück” (2019) and “QUEENS” (2017); light design for Anne Welenc “Queens” (2023).
Duration: approx. 90 minutes including talk
Admission free
No registration neccessary
Concept & Performance: Olivia Hyunsin Kim & Jones Seitz