Kreuzberg 3
Möckernstr. 68
10965 Berlin
Photo: Patrick Beelaert @ Freiburg Contact Festival 2023 Teachers Meeting

Practicing Collectivity

Workshop with Gabriele Reuter

In the frame of WinterTanz 2023/24

Improvising groups have their own intelligence. They constantly co-create, re-invent, remember, forget and forgive. They are a trusting and courageous, temporary collective of performers. 
This workshop offers a range of compositional rules and tools for performing in groups. We feed from the intelligence of the other bodies. We practice non-stop listening, noticing and responding, sensing when to stay out and when to come in. We celebrate getting lost. We train our awareness of beginnings and endings. We watch each other move through decisions. From time to time we will talk about what we do and look at other knowledge around team performance. How might practicing collectivity inside the dance studio relate to other contexts of teamwork outside of it?

Accessibility Note
The workshop will be held in spoken English and/or German as agreed with the group. It welcomes all bodies and identities. The work requires a strong attention and awareness of other bodies in the space, touch will be an optional part of the work, as well as reflections and feedback after the movement sessions. Music will be used in part but is not an important basis of the movement. If needed, a free workshop place for an accompanying assistant will be facilitated for participants with disabilities. Information about our location & studio access in Kreuzberg, which unfortunately are not wheelchair accessible, can be found here. For questions or more information, please contact Zoé Duflot & Elisabeth Leopold at workshop@tanzfabrik-berlin.de.

Gabriele Reuter

Gabriele Reuter is a dance artist, pedagogue and urbanist, who works at the interface of choreography and urban research. Her stage works, audio walks and sound installations were shown at venues and international festivals across the UK, in Chile, Turkey, France and Germany. As an educator, performer, mentor and moderator, Gabriele facilitates movement in a variety of contexts, transferring knowledge between dance and other disciplines. Teaching references include HZT Berlin, London Contemporary Dance School, Hochschule für Tanz und Musik Köln, Sareyyet Ramallah, Freiburg Contact Festival, Nottingham University, Universidad Austral de Chile, Valdivia. In 2022 she qualified as a systemic and agile coach for teams. www.gabrielereuter.de
Level: movement experienced
In English and German
Price: 200/175€*
*early bird until 08.12.2023