Kreuzberg 1
Möckernstr. 68
10965 Berlin

The Emerging Performance

Satellite Showing with Nomad Dance Academy Croatia

The Emerging Performance is an open performance showing that explores the ongoing concept of emergence and its delicate nature within the realm of togetherness. It simultaneously underscores the elation and potency derived from the interconnection of diverse bodies within a shared space. This creation unfolds through a transient collective, comprising choreographers and performers/dancers who, in their day-to-day lives and artistic practice, serve as conduits for dance communities within their respective local contexts throughout Croatia.
Choreography & Performance: Koraljka Begović, Mia Kevo, Larisa Lipovac Navojec, Irma Unušić, Melita Spahić Bezjak, Nives Soldičić,Aleksandra Janeva Imfeld
Dramaturgy: Jasmina Založnik
The project is hosted by Nomad Dance Academy Croatia
Coproduced by “Shooma” from Bjelovar, “Prostor plus” from Rijeka, “Tala dance center”, Zagreb, “Free Dance” from Karlovac

Nomad Dance Academy Croatia

NDA CRO brings together dance organizations and independent artists in the field of contemporary art in Croatia. Our network decentralizes and strengthens the artistic, performative, and educational potential of contemporary art in the national context. As an open platform, we consider local and national needs through meetings, workshops, and artistic projects. Our flexible approach focuses resources on enhancing promising areas of the performing arts. This is primarily achieved through co-creations in residencies, where artists collaboratively work on pieces, educational programs, and events horizontally. We are a temporary, agile collective.
Free Entrance/Without Registration