Kreuzberg 4
Möckernstr. 68
10965 Berlin
Photo: Oliver Strömer

The Arms Language – Elements of Movement (postponed tba)

Workshop with Regina Advento

In the frame of HerbstTanz 2023

»Breathing goes hand in hand with our emotions and actions; it is an expression of the human being itself. Whatever a person expresses, breathing plays a fundamental role in the essence of this expressive power. The way a person lives affects their breathing, and the way they breathe affects their life«. Trudi Schoop

Posture, core, tension, rhythm, and space are in direct communication with breath, and both breath and rhythm are the fundamental elements of expression in the movement language of choreographer Pina Bausch. "Elements of Movement" is a workshop that, step by step, through improvisation as well as individual and group explorations, develops these six movement elements, aiming to provide participants with a holistic awareness of the art of movement. Dance technique instruction focuses on the "Aesthetic Language of Arms," based on the contemporary dance technique of the Folkwang University of the Arts, in a free and individualized interpretation, blended with various other influences I have experienced throughout my career.

Accessibility Note
The workshop will be held in spoken English, follow-up questions for clarification and group discussions about the exercises can also be in German/Portuguese. Live music and percussion will be an important part of the workshop. Coordination and combination exercises and movement phrases to remember will be part of the workshop. The focus of the work will be on the expressive execution of movement material. If needed, a free workshop place for an accompanying assistant will be facilitated for participants with disabilities. Information about our location & studio access in Kreuzberg, which unfortunately not wheelchair accessible, can be found here. For questions or more information, please contact Zoé Duflot & Elisabeth Leopold at workshop@tanzfabrik-berlin.de.

Regina Advento

Regina Advento hails from Brazil and boasts over twenty-five years of professional dance experience with the Tanztheater Wuppertal Pina Bausch ensemble. After her training at the Langen Institute in Düsseldorf, Advento worked as a body and dance therapist (BTD) in a fixed clinical position. In 2022, Regina completed her Master of Arts in Dance Culture V.I.E.W. at the German Sport University in Cologne. As a freelance artist (dancer, choreographer, singer, and dance educator/instructor), she undertakes various national and international projects (https://reginaadvento.de/). She offers workshops for professional dancers, amateurs, children, and seniors, and leads dance projects in schools as well as inclusion initiatives. Throughout her career, Regina Advento has received multiple awards and nominations.
Fri: 17:00–20:00, Sat: 10:00–15:00; Sun: 10:00–14:00
Level: advanced, movement experience in dance & improvisation necessary
Sprache: in English
Preis: 230/200€*
*Early Bird bis 22.9.2023