Uferstudios 14
Badstr. 41A, Uferstr. 23
13357 Berlin
Photo: Sandra Man



In the frame of Fold – Fragile Welten

«Lethe» is a work dedicated to the Tagliamento river, one of the last great untamed waterways in Europe, which is threatened by industry and global warming.
From 2021 to 2023, artist Sandra Man, musician Judith Hamann, and dancer Laura Siegmund conducted several expeditions to northern Italy. Immersing themselves in the region’s unique riverscape, they each formed an artistic response to the natural surroundings by their respective means – language, movement, and sound.

This work brings together their different approaches in the expansive space of Uferstudio 14 to create a space poem of choreographic landscape videos with, text spoken live by dancer Lisa Densem, and sound.     

The title «Lethe»  refers to the underworld river of Greek mythology that marks the boundary between existence and non-existence. Those who drink from it are said to experience a moment of intense remembering before forgetting everything.

11.11.2023 Artist Talk after the performance

Easy Language
«Lethe» is a project inspired by the Tagliamento, one of the last untamed rivers in Europe. An untamed river is not regulated. Its water flows in several natural streams along the riverbed. «Lethe»  is a work combining videos of the river landscape, live spoken text, and sound.

Accessibility & Content Notes (Trigger warnings)
On all four performance days, audio descriptions in German will be provided to accompany the choreographic landscape videos (narrator: Emmilou Rößling). An audio intro will introduce the event and the spatial situation. Visitors who would like to listen to this intro are kindly requested to be there 30 minutes before the performance starts.

The performance lasts about 60 minutes and takes place in Studio 14. The first part of the performance (15-20 minutes) consists of spoken text. The text will be spoken in English. It is possible to borrow headphones to listen to a German translation.

A limited number of beanbags are available for visitors with physical disabilities. These can be reserved at ticket@tanzfabrik-berlin.de.

Studio 14 is almost at ground level. There is no raised area or similar in the studio itself. There is a slight slope of 1.0% from the outside to the entrance of the studio. Studio 14 has two wheelchair spaces. The accessible toilet is located in the opposite stall in front of Studio 3. It is necessary to walk about 6 metres outside to reach it.

For more information on accessibility, please visit the Uferstudios website: https://www.uferstudios.com/en/accessibility.

Adam (aka Sandra) Man

Adam (aka Sandra) Man (he/they) is an artist and writer. Since 2017 he has worked predominantly outdoors, focusing on the relationship between the body and the natural world. He creates live environments combining performance, texts, and videos such as «Aeon I-III» (with Moritz Majce), «Telos» (2022), «Nackte Erde» (2023). adamman.com
Adam  has collaborated for many years with the dancers Lisa Densem and Laura Siegmund. 
«Lethe» is their first collaboration with cellist and composer Judith Hamann. https://judith-hamann.com/

Adam Man has been publishing his work under this name since 2024 and was previously known as Sandra Man. He is using the pronouns he/they. 
Duration: 60 minutes
Tickets: Pay what you can (10/15/20/25)
Idea, text, video: Sandra Man
Sound: Judith Hamann
Live performance: Lisa Densem
Landscape performance: Laura Siegmund
Artistic collaboration: Moritz Majce
Translation: Anna Galt, Lisa Densem
Stage design: Nicolas Navarro Rueda, Sandra Man
Production management: Tiphaine Carrère
Technical direction: Marc Lagies
Installation construction: Jan Hoffmannmi
Outside eyes: Heike Albrecht, Katharina Wallisch, Moritz Majce, Tiphaine Carrère, Tibo Gebert, Laura Siegmund, Felicitas Zeeden
Audiodescription: Emmilou Roessling in cooperation with Silja Korn

A production by Sandra Man. Co-produced by Tanzfabrik Berlin.
Supported by: the Hauptstadtkulturfonds and the Land Kärnten.