Kreuzberg 1
Möckernstr. 68
10965 Berlin

Artistic Moments Together #3

Sharing with Rok Vevar, Viktorija Ilioska, Aleksandar Georgiev

In the frame of TO KEEP IN TOUCH ...

3 WORKS refers to a collaborative presentation format that brings together dance artists and writers to discuss and illuminate important aspects of each other’s choreographic, practical, and textual work. The format is designed so to reflect Nomad Dance Academy’s core principle which emphasizes the value of artistic community and collective art production. Every evening, from Tuesday to Wednesday, a different trio of artists takes over. 

Rok Vevar

Rok Vevar is a dance historian, curator and activist, living and working in Ljubljana, Slovenia. In 2012 he established the Temporary Slovenian Dance Archives in his own apartment, moving it to MSUM (Museum of Contemporary Art Metelkova) in Ljubljana in April 2018. He has also presented his archive at Harvard University, USA. Since 2012 he has co-curated the international dance festival CoFestival, an international festival of contemporary dance (Nomad Dance Academy Slovenija, Kino Šiška) in Ljubljana. A selection of his reviews and articles was published in the book “Rok za oddajo” (Deadline) in 2011, and in 2018 he edited the book “Dan, noč + človek = Ritem: Antologija slovenske sodobnoplesne publicistike 1918–1960” (Day, night + man = Rhythm: An Anthology of Contemporary Slovene Journalism 1918-1960), for which he selected materials and wrote accompanying texts. In 2020, his new monograph “Ksenija, Xenia: Londonska plesna leta Ksenije Hribar 1960–1978” (Ksenija, Xenia: The London Dance Years of Ksenija Hribar 1960-1978) was published. In 2019 he was awarded the Ksenija Hribar Award for his work and in 2020 the Vladimir Kralj Recognition Award for his achievements in the field of dance history and archivism in Slovenia. 

Viktorija Ilioska

Viktorija Ilioska is a Macedonian choreographer and performer who lives and works between North Macedonia and Germany. For over a decade now, she has been actively working at programs for support and development of contemporary dance, both collaborating with institutions as well as strengthening the independent scene. Since 2010, she has been a member of Nomad Dance Academy, through which she works on bringing connections and collaborations within the local and national contexts of theBalkan region. Viktorija holds a Master's degree in Choreography and Performance from the Institute ofApplied Theatre Studies at Justus Liebig University, Gießen. Playing with different forms of provocation, her work often addresses the notions of labour, identity, and female representation in the public sphere. 

Aleksandar Georgiev

Aleksandar Georgiev has been part of formal and no-formal educational programs. He graduated from the Master program in Choreography at DOCH in 2014. In the last 6 years, while working, he defined four places he considered home/locality, (Stockholm, Sofia, Skopje and Tenerife). It is rather the politics of parallel/holographic existing than of constant self-shifting. This is translated also into his artistic interest, from long years of exploring principles of collective authorship, now he is rather focusing on co-existing practices. Lately he initiated the choreographic research CO-series. The research works with different artistic practices and methods exploring the ideas of co-existence, hyper and holography through the prism of dance and choreography. Recently he is very busy with the project called ICC (Imaginative Choreographic Center) together with two other choreographers, Darío Barreto Damas and Zhana Pencheva, reimagining the institutions as their activation. 
19:30 – Open End
In English
Free of charge
No registration needed