Kreuzberg 1
Möckernstr. 68
10965 Berlin

Kick Off Event

Sharing with Gisela Müller, Viktorija Ilioska, Marijana Cvetković

In the frame of TO KEEP IN TOUCH ...

The Ideas & Facts Of Nomad Dance Academy

Sunday evening we will celebrate together the Kick-Off of the summer summit of the Nomad Dance Academy in the frame of the EU-project (Non)Aligned Movements at Tanzfabrik. After a warm welcome and introduction of the Nomad Dance Academy network and its current project, we open the coming week of the Summer School To Keep In Touch..., a program with many public events. Afterwards we slide into an informal mingling of reunions and new acquaintances.

What is the Nomad Dance Academy

Nomad Dance Academy is a network of dance artists, producers, and theorists from former Yugoslavia and Bulgaria that was founded in 2005 during a politically turbulent period after the break-up of the Yugoslav Federation. Its primary goal was to create an artistic, cultural, and educational space to provide better creative and production conditions for European dance and choreography. The founders also aimed to introduce new production models and overcome local and national cultural politics that were often characterized by nationalism. 

Since its establishment, Nomad Dance Academy has actively contributed to the field of dance education, artistic creation, production, promotion, and advocacy. The network's cultural activism sought to enhance the creative and artistic forces in the local contemporary dance contexts of the Balkan region, establish favorable conditions for professional, high-quality, and engaging contemporary dance, and prioritize good working conditions for artists. Nomad Dance Academy members view contemporary choreography as an artistic and social function, methodology, and practice that showcases and highlights the various presences, absences, or representations of the human body, whether individual or collective, as well as its traces, indications, and potentialities in the past, present, and future. 

Gisela Müller

Gisela Müller studied contemporary dance in Paris, Amsterdam (SNDO) and New York. She was a member of various dance companies and founded The Move Company in 1992, for which she choreographed numerous pieces. Scholarships have taken her to Germany and abroad. She has taught at various training institutes and studios at home and abroad since 1988. Since 2004 she has been a member of the board and artistic and pedagogical director of the Tanzfabrik Berlin School and the Dance Intensive Programme. From 2006 - March 2010 she was a visiting professor at the Inter-University Centre for Dance/Berlin in charge of the conception and direction of the BA pilot course Contemporary Dance Context Choreography. Since 2012 she has been a member of the Eastern European Network for Contemporary Performing Art / Nomad Dance Academy. In 2018, she went back on stage with the project Me again-but not alone, in collaboration with the electronic musicians Gebrüder Teichmann, with whom she became Artists in Residence within the framework of the EU project Life Long Burning in 2021/2022.

Viktorija Ilioska

Viktorija Ilioska is a Macedonian choreographer and performer who lives and works between North Macedonia and Germany. For over a decade now, she has been actively working at programs for support and development of contemporary dance, both collaborating with institutions as well as strengthening the independent scene. Since 2010, she has been a member of Nomad Dance Academy, through which she works on bringing connections and collaborations within the local and national contexts of theBalkan region. Viktorija holds a Master's degree in Choreography and Performance from the Institute ofApplied Theatre Studies at Justus Liebig University, Gießen. Playing with different forms of provocation, her work often addresses the notions of labour, identity, and female representation in the public sphere. 

Marijana Cvetković

Marijana Cvetković has graduated in art history (Belgrade) and completed MA in management in culture and cultural policy (Belgrade and Lyon). Currently, she is a PhD candidate at the University of Arts in Belgrade (museum management and development).She has initiated and realised various programmes and projects in the fields of cultural policy, international and Balkan cultural cooperation, contemporary dance, visual arts and museums.She is co-founder of Station Service for contemporary dance and Nomad Dance Academy, Balkan platform for development of contemporary dance and performing arts, as well as a cultural activist at the independent cultural scenes of Belgrade and Serbia.Marijana Cvetković is a lecturer at the University of Arts in Belgrade (UNESCO Chair in Cultural Policy and Management and MAIPR – MA in International Performance Research). 
19:30 – Open End
In English
Free of charge
No registration needed