Kreuzberg 3
Möckernstr. 68
10965 Berlin

Practicing Playful Thinking Together #4

Thinking with Biljana Tanurovska – Kjulavkovski, Dražen Dragojević

In the frame of TO KEEP IN TOUCH ...

White, Not Quite: Decolonising Balkans, Debalkanising Europe:

Contemporary discourse on (de)colonial issues often overlooks one of the (de)colonial peripheries: the Balkans. Trapped in the 'white, but not quite' racial dialectic and antagonism, this region seems too white to be an agent of decolonization yet not white enough to act as an agent of colonization-turned-decolonization. Consequently, it seems to be trapped in the political narrative and paradigm of 'catching up' with the West, the North, socialism, communism, democracy, and capitalism - or is it capitalism and democracy? This 'catching up' paradigm risks dismissing the region's history of (anti)colonialism and (anti)racism. Moreover, it appears to generate a unique form of (self)colonization and (self)racializing, intensified by the concept and process of 'European integration.' How does this process interact with the ‘quite not white' racial profiling of the region and its ongoing enactment of (structural) racism? Confronting these complexities and contradictions requires a cross-disciplinary approach, inviting dancers, artists, curators, genders, researchers, communities, activists, and other diasporic subjects from both (de)colonial centers and peripheries to the conversation. Join curators/moderators Biljana Tanurovska Kjulavkovski and Dražen Dragojević for a discursive sharing and reflective communion among Summer School & Summit participants, as well as speakers from various disciplines, communities, institutions, and diasporas. 

Biljana Tanurovska – Kjulavkovski

Biljana Tanurovska - Kjulavkovski is cultural producer, researcher and a curator at the intersection of dance, theatre and visual arts performance. She is co-founder of Nomad Dance Academy platform (NDA) (2005-) Kino Kultura (KK) – project space (2015-2020), Locomotion – festival for contemporary dance and performance (2008-2015) and program director of NGO Lokomotiva, Skopje (2003-). Currently she works on Archive of dance and performance in N.Macedonia as part of NDA project (Non)Aligned Movements; she is course leader of “Curatorial practices and context” at Stockholm University of Arts and co-mentor of the Critical Practice (made in Yu) program.She teaches and is author and editor of texts, journals and book “Modelling art and cultural institutions”. In 2019, she won the ENCATC International Research Award on Cultural Policy and Cultural Management for her doctoral thesis and in 2021 the AICA Macedonia “Ladislav Barishic” Award for the research “Political Performance as extended field in Macedonia in 90s”, among other. 

Dražen Dragojević

Dražen Dragojević (1978) works at the intersection Berlin-Ljubljana, arts-theory-media, research-production-strategy-communication-performance-curation, books-television-museums-stage-galleries-video-clubs. He’s collaborated with institutions, networks, individuals, festivals, initiatives, projects. He’s joined Nomad Dance Academy and (Non) Aligned Movements as independent researcher and performer. Recently, he words words words reference, reference and reference semiocapital. Words reference words reference and political economy of the sign. In the past, he words reference reference, and words entreprecarious-self-as-brand. He is a citizen. 
In English
Price: Single Session 15€ / 5x-Card Afternoon Sessions 65€ / Flatrate Summer School 105€