Kreuzberg 3
Möckernstr. 68
10965 Berlin

Practicing Playful Thinking Together #3

Sharing with NAM ChoreoLab

In the frame of TO KEEP IN TOUCH ...

Blind Spots* & Placeholders – Re-Aligning Non-Alignment

In this session, the public is invited to join an interactive sharing of the NAM ChoreoLab dealing with the intersections of feminist dramaturgy, choreographic subjects, speculative and performative theory, and somatic practices in the context of social and political unrest. Underscoring the urgency of present-day alignments and antagonisms, NAM ChoreoLab, a modular research choreography lab, was established with the purpose of re-assessing the past and imagining the future of the (Non) Aligned Movements** in the Western Balkan region and beyond.

*NAM ChoreoLab is aware of the ableist history of the idiom ‘blind spot’, and are on the lookout for alternatives that would succinctly convey ‘something that is (un)knowingly or (un)willingly overlooked or difficult to grasp’.
**The Non-Aligned Movement was set up as a movement of “Third World states” and Socialist Yugoslavia, rejecting the 'double blackmail' of the Cold War bipolarity of the US/USSR, advocating for an 'alternative globalisation' by challenging (neo)imperialism and (neo)colonialism 

NAM ChoreoLab

NAM ChoreoLab has been conceived and is being developed by the curatorial team of the (Non) Aligned Movements project (2021) (by way of Nomad Dance Academy): choreographers and performers Sonja Pregrad (Zagreb), Ana Dubljević (Beograd) and Viktorija Ilioska (Skopje), along with independent researcher and performer Dražen Dragojević (Berlin/Ljubljana). 
In English
Price: Single Session 15€ / 5x-Card Afternoon Sessions 65€ / Flatrate Summer School 105€