Kreuzberg 3
Möckernstr. 68
10965 Berlin

Practicing Playful Thinking Together #2

Thinking with Slavcho Dimitrov, Jasmina Založnik, Rok Vevar, Igor Koruga

In the frame of TO KEEP IN TOUCH ...

Dance as Culture & Art in the Socialist Yugoslavia and After

A dive into the Nomad Dance Academy’s archive project which contains numerous choreographic practices that tried to challenge oppressive physical norms, behaviors, and representations of the body in the political, social, and cultural climate of the Western Balkans, former Yugoslavia, and the post-Yugoslav era. Each of these archived items is a piece of a (present or past) community, a connecting thread to a (sub)culture or movement that sought ways to expand and liberate forms of expression through the medium of the body, through dance. The archiving group focuses on examples of dance as a practice of resistance in different historical circumstances. Looking at various accounts of international dance exchanges that took place between the two world wars, , in the period of Socialist Yugoslavia, and after 1991,the archiving group is particularly interested in mapping out and assessing the ways in which dance has functioned historically as a bridge between different, often opposing, political blocks and cultural contexts, or as an invisible political propaganda in the geo-cultural territory of the Western Balkans.

Slavcho Dimitrov

Slavcho Dimitrov holds a BA in Comparative Literature and MA's in Gender Studies and Philosophy and is currently working on his PhD thesis “An-archic Bodies: Corporeal Materialism, Affects and the Political''. He has been active in teaching, where he has taught courses on contemporary cultural theories, critical theory, embodiment, gender and culture, queer theory, among others. He is the founder of the International Summer School for Sexualities Cultures and Politics in Belgrade and one of the founders of IPAK.Center - Research Center for Identities, Cultures and Politics in Belgrade and has curated several art and cultural projects and numerous conferences in Northern Macedonia, such as Skopje Pride Weekend. Numerous articles of his have appeared in regional and international journals and books, and he is the author of the book “Impossible Confession: Subjectivity, Power and Ethics” (2014). His theoretical and research practice focuses on post-foundational political philosophy, cultural, critical and gender and queer theory, embodiment and affect, aesthetics, social choreography, and performance studies. In 2022, he published a joint research paper with Ana Blazeva entitled "The Everyday and Emotional Life of Oppression." He is a recipient of the AICA Macedonia - Ladislav Leshnikov Award - 2018 and the Igor Zabel Award for Culture and Theory - Grant - 2020. 

Jasmina Založnik

Jasmina Založnik is a freelance dramaturg, dance publicist and producer. She is active locally and internationally as a writer, dramaturge, curator, moderator, consultor, researcher, and art collaborator. She is an active member of Nomad Dance Academy Slovenia, regional network Nomad Dance Academy, and a cofounder of CoFestival, international festival of contemporary dance. She is an active member of The Contemporary Dance Association Slovenia (CDAS), Slovenian Association of Theatre Critics and Theatrologist and City of Women association, as well as member of the editorial board of Dialogi Journal. She has edited a number of art catalogues and a few journals’ special issues, lately co edited The Voice of Dance (Maska, 2021), and Female artists in the field of performing art (Dialogi, 2022). She holds a master’s degree in philosophy and PhD in visual culture. In 2015 she received the Ksenija Hribar Award for dance in the category criticism/dramaturgy/theory. 

Rok Vevar

Rok Vevar is a dance historian, curator and activist, living and working in Ljubljana, Slovenia. In 2012 he established the Temporary Slovenian Dance Archives in his own apartment, moving it to MSUM (Museum of Contemporary Art Metelkova) in Ljubljana in April 2018. He has also presented his archive at Harvard University, USA. Since 2012 he has co-curated the international dance festival CoFestival, an international festival of contemporary dance (Nomad Dance Academy Slovenija, Kino Šiška) in Ljubljana. A selection of his reviews and articles was published in the book “Rok za oddajo” (Deadline) in 2011, and in 2018 he edited the book “Dan, noč + človek = Ritem: Antologija slovenske sodobnoplesne publicistike 1918–1960” (Day, night + man = Rhythm: An Anthology of Contemporary Slovene Journalism 1918-1960), for which he selected materials and wrote accompanying texts. In 2020, his new monograph “Ksenija, Xenia: Londonska plesna leta Ksenije Hribar 1960–1978” (Ksenija, Xenia: The London Dance Years of Ksenija Hribar 1960-1978) was published. In 2019 he was awarded the Ksenija Hribar Award for his work and in 2020 the Vladimir Kralj Recognition Award for his achievements in the field of dance history and archivism in Slovenia. 

Igor Koruga

Igor Koruga was born in Belgrade, Serbia. His education includes Master’s degrees in SocioCultural Anthropology at the University of Belgrade and in Solo/Dance/Authorship (SODA) at the Berlin University of the Arts as well as self-educational platforms in dance in the Balkans. He works mostly within the Balkans – as a freelance author/choreographer, dance dramaturg, performer, pedagogue, archiving researcher and cultural worker. Since 2006 Igor Koruga has been an active member of STATION – Service for Contemporary Dance in Belgrade. Through various dance networks in Europe, e. g. Life Long Burning, Departures and Arrivals and apap – advancing performing arts project, he created numerous works: “Hopelessness” (2017), “Only Mine Alone” (2016), “Streamlined” (2014), “Expose” (2013), “Temporaries” (2012), and others. Since 2015 he has been leading artistic and educational programmes within STATION, such as the “Puzzle” educational project and the “Archiving” platform in Serbia and the Balkans etc. Igor Koruga also worked as an academic teacher at the Belgrade Dance Institute from 2015 to 2017. Since 2009 he has been a member of the regional Balkan network Nomad Dance Academy, actively advocating for better conditions and stronger visibility of contemporary dance practices in the Balkans. www.igorkoruga.com
In English
Price: Single Session 15€ / 5x-Card Afternoon Sessions 65€ / Flatrate Summer School 105€