Kreuzberg 4
Möckernstr. 68
10965 Berlin
Photos: Rafael Pellet, Screenshot

Embodied Community (cancelled)

Workshop with Sigué Sayouba, Serge Aimé Coulibaly

In the frame of Cooperation Tanz im August

This workshop day is led by renowned choreographers and dancers Serge Aimé Coulibaly & Sigué Sayouba. You can see them during Tanz im August in the piece C la vie from Faso Danse Théâtre / Serge Aimé Coulibaly.

What is essential for us? What is it that is vital to share at a moment's notice?  How can we embody that in movement, express it with our bodies, to pass it on to those close to us but also to strangers on the street?
After a time marked by distance and in which we have grown apart, we want to restore communion, to step out of our bubbles, to meet with those who are close to us, but also with those we don't even know yet.
A call to come together and celebrate the power of being together as a constitutive force of our humanity and citizenship.

Sigué Sayouba

Sigué Sayouba is a dancer of Burkinabe descent, born in Abidjan, Ivory Coast, now living in Lyon since 2013. Involved in the urban dance scene at the beginning, performing for video clips and commercials, he soon became passionate about contemporary dance and joined the Teguerer company in 2001. After the death of his mentor Souleymane Porgo in 2006, Sayouba took on the role of choreographer. Several artistic encounters have marked his career: Irène Tassembédo, Gahe Armand, Nathalie Veuillet, Vera Sander, Kalpana Raghuraman, Eric Mezino, Alassane Congo, Kettly Noel. In 2010, he was a finalist in the largest contemporary dance competition in Africa, Danse l'Afrique Danse with his two performances A Suivre (solo) and Avec des Mots (group performance). In 2015, Sayouba joined the Hamburg Schauspielhaus under the direction of Karin Beier. He also choreographed "The Colours of Peace" for the parade of the 18th edition of the Lyon Dance Biennale 2018 with 300 amateur dancers and Afriquarks in collaboration with the city of Lyon for 250 dancers. Since 2015, he is assistant choreographer at Faso Danse Théâtre as well as artistic director of the company Teguerer. 

Serge Aimé Coulibaly

Serge Aimé Coulibaly is a dancer-choreographer from Burkina Faso who has travelled around Europe and the entire world. He takes inspiration for his art from African culture but his powerful expressiveness makes his work universal and understandable across all continents. Since creating his company in 2001, Coulibaly has explored complex themes, seeking to give positive momentum to the young generations. From the early days of his career, he was invited to present and perform his creations around Europe and Africa: Minimini (2002), A Benguer (2006), Solitude d’un Homme Intègre (2007), Babemba (2008), Khokuma 7° Sud (2011), Fadjiri (2013), Nuit Blanche à Ouagadougou (2014), Kalakuta Republik (2016), Kirina (2018),Wakatt (2020).He worked with artists such as Sidi Larbi Cherkaoui, Alain Platel in Belgium and Marrukegu Company in Australia. He also creates works for amateur dancers because he thrives on devoting himself to others. His personal artistic vision and commitment feeds his drive to experiment, which is why he decided to establish his own space, Ankata, in his birthplace, an international laboratory for research and production in the performing arts. 
 11:00–16:00  (inkl. Break)
Open level
In English  
Preis: 100/85€*
*Early bird until 28.07.