Kreuzberg 1
Möckernstr. 68
10965 Berlin

Practicing Dance Together #5

Dancing with Shannon Cooney

In the frame of TO KEEP IN TOUCH ...

Dynamic Expansion/Moveable Cinema

Dynamic Expansion is an embodiment approach to orient to the Fluid Body via movement and perception. It is a movement and performance enhancement that works through expanded mindfulness.Tuning to the Craniosacral System; its fluid dynamics andits stillness phenomena grounds the practice. Perceiving and moving from the Fluid Body connects one to their deep knowing and inner-outer connectivity. Guided movement practices inspired by our fluid nature give us space for new movement patterning, freedom in movement, and connectivity. These explorations are practiced autonomous, and in partnering, and group scoring. Moveable Cinemais embedded in Dynamic Expansion, designed to expand the felt sense and consciousness of vision while in movement and makes it an available process. Guided through a series of mandalas (or practices), it creates a space for tuning into one’s holistic body with the acuity of the present. Beyond self-oriented movement research, practices with others challenge and enrich subtle and powerful forms of witnessing. This becomes a vital and reliable tool for performance. 

Shannon Cooney

Shannon Cooney (BFA) is a Canadian choreographer, dance performer and dance educator based in Berlin, Germany since 2006. Since 1993 her choreography has been presented in Canada, Europe the in the U.K. She danced with Toronto-based Dancemakers (1994-2006), artistic director Serge Bennathan, which toured extensively nationally and internationally. She has also worked with several choreographers over her 3 decades in dance.
She’s a creative facilitator for choreographers and for students of the (HZT) in Berlin. Since 2007 she created a teaching practice melding her work as a dance artist with her work as craniosacral practitioner. Her recent choreographic projects include: Fielding: solo with Cases (2018), Fielding (2017), every one everyone (2013), Assemblages (2011) and Spiral Pendulum: dance (2009). www.shannoncooney.org
In English
Price: Single Session 15€ / 5x-Card Morning Sessions 65€ / Flatrate Summer School 105€