Kreuzberg 1
Möckernstr. 68
10965 Berlin

Practicing Dance Together #4

Dancing with Dejan Srhoj, Gisela Müller

In the frame of TO KEEP IN TOUCH ...

Lean Into Co-Teaching

Co-Teaching is a space in which an educational ecosystem emerges. It creates an environment in which the sharing of knowledge and various physical as well mental practices can occur in an open-minded way and through constant exchange. Led by two or more teachers, co-teaching aims to create a space where the channels of communication are always kept open. By allowing spontaneity, adaptation, and improvisation into the space of knowledge transmission, co-teaching challenges more traditional educational approaches that are often built on a one-way flow of rehearsed knowledge. These sessions are half-structured and half-improvised choreographic situations in which teachers invite students to understand and share the teaching/learning process as a common cause. This format was developed by the members of the NDA network and other invited guests. 

Co-teaching is learning together 
Co-teaching is a place of shared practice 
Co-teaching is a place of surprises 
Co-teaching is trustful cooperation 
Co-teaching is a challenge 

Dejan Srhoj

Dejan Srhoj (1978) is an independent performer working in contemporary dance. He is currently developing the long term project Composing Differences in which, through improvisations, the sharing of practices, and education he explores choreographic principles that deal with community. 
Realising that a robot can awaken emotions, Dejan created a performance in Sweden for the robot Nao who speaks, dances, and thinks. Since 2001 he works as a freelancer, and is one of the founding members of Fičo Ballet, in the frame of which, together with Goran Bogdanovski, he has performed or collaborated on many performances. He is co-founder and active member of regional Nomad Dance Academy network. As a performer he a.o. worked with Janez Janša, Ivica Buljan, Sebastijan Horvat, Betontanc, Magdalena Reiter, Silvan Omerzu, Kaja Lorenci, Snježana Premuš. Between 1998 and 2001 he was a soloist at the SNG Opera and Ballet in Ljubljana. Within the frame of the NDA network, he researches innovative (co-)teaching methods. In 2008 he graduated at the Open University in London – (BA in Humanities). 

Gisela Müller

Gisela Müller studied contemporary dance in Paris, Amsterdam (SNDO) and New York. She was a member of various dance companies and founded The Move Company in 1992, for which she choreographed numerous pieces. Scholarships have taken her to Germany and abroad. She has taught at various training institutes and studios at home and abroad since 1988. Since 2004 she has been a member of the board and artistic and pedagogical director of the Tanzfabrik Berlin School and the Dance Intensive Programme. From 2006 - March 2010 she was a visiting professor at the Inter-University Centre for Dance/Berlin in charge of the conception and direction of the BA pilot course Contemporary Dance Context Choreography. Since 2012 she has been a member of the Eastern European Network for Contemporary Performing Art / Nomad Dance Academy. In 2018, she went back on stage with the project Me again-but not alone, in collaboration with the electronic musicians Gebrüder Teichmann, with whom she became Artists in Residence within the framework of the EU project Life Long Burning in 2021/2022.
In English
Price: Single Session 15€ / 5x-Card Morning Sessions 65€ / Flatrate Summer School 105€