Kreuzberg 1
Möckernstr. 68
10965 Berlin
Photo: Turlach O'Broin

As a wave between dance and theater

Profitraining with Daniela Marcozzi
In the frame of Moving through styles

The work proposed by Daniela Marcozzi is a group-based training and creative process that includes tools of physical theater, vocal training, movement research, techniques of embodiment, composition and dramaturgy. A strong component of Daniela's work comes from the Plastique Sequence and body-voice training from Grotowski's research, as transmitted by Peter Rose.
The work aims to put the performer’s organism in the condition where its homeostasis is continuously challenged to quickly self-regulate and react to the immediate moment. The driving force of the work is "urgency", understood as the unconditioned push to survive at any level. The work invites the performer to consciously generate their own urgency by working with inner impulses. 
In this way, impulses become the main source of performative energy. This dialogue is a give and take process, and it consists of the continuous interaction between expression and embodiment.
 Expression is understood as EX-press = press-out, the process of manifesting one’s impulses and Embodiment is understood as EM-bodiment, the process of IM-pressing the external world inside the body.

Daniela Marcozzi

Daniela Marcozzi ist eine freischaffende internationale Performance-Künstlerin mit Sitz in Berlin, wo sie 2015 die Kompanie Marcozzi Contemporary Theater gründete. Sie arbeitet an der Schnittstelle zwischen physischem Theater, Performancekunst, Tanz, Bewegung und Wissenschaft. Ihre Arbeiten und Forschungen sind aufgrund ihres früheren Studiums als Umweltbiotechnologin stark von Biologie, Ökologie und Neurowissenschaften beeinflusst. Sie leitete Workshops in Europa und im Ausland, unterrichtet regelmäßig Kurse für physisches Theater und Performance-Praktiken und präsentierte ihre Solo- und Ensemblearbeiten an vielen internationalen Veranstaltungsorten und auf Festivals.
Language: en/de
Please note: This two-hour training costs 10€ per class and cannot be booked via USC!