Uferstudios 5
Badstr. 41A, Uferstr. 23
13357 Berlin

Formen Formen

Showing by July Weber

In his piece FORMEN FORMEN the choreographer and visual artist Julian Weber gathers 5 dancers from different generations and very different backgrounds to work on a space of interaction between body and material. The work focuses on the juxtaposition of object and human being and on the possibility of mutual shaping. What is a body? Where does it start and where does it end? Who is actor? Who is capable of acting?

Before the rehearsal time, Julian Weber produces a personal sculpture for each dancer. The dancers spend several months with their personal object or „counterpart“ in their private space and let it become part of their everyday life. During this period of time all dancers develop a 1-minute dance related to their personal sculpture. In the creation of these dances the detour through the object plays a central role. It is less about a self-representation of the dancers, rather, when the dancers become visible and present this happens through the interaction with the interposed object. The objects, the specific physicality of the dancers, as well as their private space are inscribed in the dances. These serve as starting point for the development of the dance piece, which is in turn intensively dealing with questions concerning the positioning of the body as a medium between the ephemerality of dance and the durable materiality of the object.

Choreography/sculpture: Julian Weber | Creation/dance: Nik Haffner, Hermann Heisig, Peter Pleyer, Meg Stuart, Claudia Tomasi | Light: Annegret Schalke, Vìctor Fernàndez De Tejada Pequeño | Music: Els Vandeweyer, Brendan Dougherty | Production: Elisa Ricci
Supported by Regierender Bürgermeister von Berlin - Senatskanzlei kulturelle Angelegenheiten and Tanzfabrik Berlin

July Weber

July Weber (all pronouns) is a choreographer/dancer, visual artist and set designer. July Weber studied sculpture at the HBK Braunschweig and at the Academy of Arts Vienna as well as choreography at the HZT Berlin and at the Theaterschool in Amsterdam. Weber's work deals with spaces of interaction between body, material and movement and moves at the intersection of visual art and performance. In 2020 July Weber founded NEW FEARS - a gallery for dance and performance in Berlin Wedding.
Admission free