Uferstudios 5
Badstr. 41A, Uferstr. 23
13357 Berlin
Photo: Cicowicz

Storytelling & Choreography (with GSL interpretation)

Workshop with Anajara Amarante

In the frame of SommerTanz 2023

Our workshop days from the first part of Sommer Tanz 2023 from July 20-23 will take place at the Uferstudios in Wedding and in cooperation with our network Making a Difference.

Here is the link to the teaser in German Sign Language:

As we can observe, movement is contagious. Humans are primed to notice it and recreate it. As soon as a person makes a movement, that movement exists as one possibility not only for the person who made it, but for others as well, who have seen it and felt its effects.

How can movement become the symbol of a story? How can my mind embrace its meaning? How can something so mechanical as a choreographic routine transcend it´s technicality to tell a story? How can we bring intuition and technicality together? How can the independent artist create something meaningful in different senses without always having access to the support of an entire team of experts?

In this workshop, Anajara (Naná) will explore with you tools for choreography and intuition. Based on our individual physicalities, let's create and act together!

Accessibility Note
This workshop is open to people with different physicalities and sensory modalities who already have a more advanced background in dance and movement. There will first be a more technical part focusing on the transmission of impulses around choreography and intuition, before opening a space for own creative and choreographic explorations. The workshop will be held in English with simultaneous translation into German sign language, questions and clarifications can also be made in German and/or Portuguese. Writing exercises and note-taking will be part of the workshop. Sound and music will be part of the workshop as an individual relationship element, also own music can be brought, but there is always the possibility to not refer to the music.

The workshop will take place in the Uferstudios in Berlin Wedding, in Studio 5. It is accessible without steps, but has a raised wooden floor area, which is accessible via a 1.5% sloping feeder ramp. A barrier-free WC with shower (2.6 m x 2.1 m) is located in the foyer of studios 3, 4 and 5 and can be accessed without steps. The door width of the respective sanitary facilities is 0.95 m. Information on how to get there and precise directions ↪ hier. Hygiene measures in place at the time will be followed, regular ventilation will be provided during all breaks, and we will have Covid19 testing available.  During the lunch break there will be the possibility to eat in a café at the courtyard of the Uferstudios about 200m away from the studios or bring your own food. The dance studios are accessible throughout and are available with beanbags, mats and blankets as a place to rest during the lunch break. If needed, a free workshop space for an accompanying assistant will be facilitated for participants. Please let us know your accessibility needs in advance. To register and communicate details regarding your access needs, please contact Zoé Duflot & Elisabeth Leopold at workshop@tanzfabrik-berlin.de. If you have any questions, please write to us as well!

Anajara Amarante

Anajara Amarante is a chronically ill queer Brazilian artist living and working in Berlin. Anajara's main working tool is the moving body, intertwining her professional interests with the personal and political: queer, dissident bodies, marginalized communities and art practices. The focus of her artistic practice is in the performing arts (emphasis on choreography) and also feeds on her background as a biologist and communication scientist. As a Brazilian living in Europe, Anajara is interested in people of migrant background, the construction of identities and postcolonialism, as well as the construction of joy, inclusion and diversity. As a performer, choreographer, curator, lecturer, and speaker, Anajara has been part of numerous important festivals, congresses, and events, collaborating with Sophiensälen, Uferstudios, Goethe Institut, Maxim Gorki Theater, Tanzkongress, among others. Recent works include: Decolonization Praxis and the Art of Talking Disability (22021/022); Butching Cowboys (2022); The Body as a Territory: identity, heritage and cultural violence (2021).
Sun: 11:00–16:00 (break: 13:00-14:30)
Level: Intermediate / Advanced
In this workshop, we give priority to registrations from disabled, chronically ill or deaf participants.
in Englisch spoken and German sign language
Max. number of participants: 15
Price: 80/70€*
*Early bird until 03.07.23
Registration at ↪  workshop@tanzfabrik-berlin.de