Photo: Nadja Meister

Holistic Dance Teachers Training Nr. 17

Fortbildung / Training with Sabine Parzer

October 2023 – June 2024 – Training in 6 Modules

The Holistic Dance Teachers Training is focused on the holistic aspects of dancing, moving and touching. To perceive inner impulses, to express oneself in dance and to learn mindfully in encounter are the main focus. The depth of our inner body (soma) and the mobility of our outer body (physis) create relationship to the self, to the other and to the greater whole. We explore our own process and learn to communicate these experiences to others.
This professional development is open to all regardless of age, background or gender, with basic experience in movement and dance.
Prerequisite: At least 1 year of movement and self-experience, participation in  an open workshop or information workshop with Sabine Parzer
Transformation through dance, movement & touch
↪  Dedicated to yourself and your development
↪  Embodiment as the foundation of professionalism
↪  Deepened learning through physical, psychological and pedagogical processes
↪  For people in artistic, therapeutic, educational, social, medical professions
Organisation: Tanzfabrik Kreuzberg gUG in cooperation with the "Holistic Dance Institute", who will take over some administrative parts of the training.
More info can be found on their website: https://www.holistic-dance.at/teachers-training-konzept 

Sabine Parzer

Sabine Parzer is head and founder of the Holistic Dance Institute and the artistic director and founder of Contact Festival Austria (2012-17). Her professional experience spans over 30 years of teaching, performing, choreographing and researching in the USA, Europe, Russia, Israel and Brazil. Sabine has a Bachelor of Arts from Columbia College Chicago in modern dance, and an education in Systemische und Integrative Bewegungslehre® (an extended Feldenkrais® Training).  Her choreographies and improvisational scores have been performed since 1990 in New York City, San Francisco, Chicago, Berlin, Vienna, amongst other cities. She teaches regularly at international dancefestivals such as Impulstanz, Tanzfabrik Berlin, Israeli Contact Festival, Moscow Contact Festival, Kontakt Budapest, Osterimprofestival Göttingen, Potsdamer Tanztage and at Tanzquartier Wien. www.holistic-dance.at
Film by Sabine Parzer & Krisztina Kerekes: Interconnections.
Start: 04.–08.10.2023 
5 blocks (Wed-Sun) and a final retreat (Tue–Sun)
Price: 3600,- / 3300,- € Early Bird until 10th September 2023

Please write us here that you want to register and you will get a separate registration form: admin@holistic-dance.at.

Dates of the other blocks of events:

04.–09.06.2024 (Tue–Sun) in Hungary