Kreuzberg 4
Möckernstr. 68
10965 Berlin
Photo: Rino Pizzi

The Myth of Emptiness (Waiting List)

Workshop with Deborah Hay

A choreographed and collaboratively based movement workshop for artists of all disciplines. Participants are coached in an ensemble dance founded on each individual’s relationship with every other ensemble member. How the collaborative work comes to life is through practiced use of the many performative tools offered. A few examples follow:
↪        What one experiences does not accumulate. The dance reflects what is not already known.
↪        The ensemble work is supported by practices of perception rather than movement training and agility, although these attributes are not ignored.
↪        It is the continuity of how we learned to see that failed to recognize the infinite nature of reality. This realization recognizes and acknowledges a discontinuous reality that keeps the ensemble work alive. 
Accessibility Note
The workshop will be held in English spoken language. It consists entirely of improvisation and the physical intensity of the movements can be customized. There is always the possibility to withdraw from exercises, touch is always optional. The exercises require a high degree of personal responsibility as well as self-awareness and awareness of others. Verbal instructions and their interpretation are a very important part of the work. If needed, a free workshop place for an accompanying assistant will be facilitated for participants with disabilities. Information about our location & studio access in Kreuzberg, which unfortunately not wheelchair accessible, can be found here. For questions or more information, please contact Zoé Duflot & Elisabeth Leopold at workshop@tanzfabrik-berlin.de.

Unfortunately we did not get any funding this year, for this reason the price had to be adjusted. We recommend a seminar cancellation insurance.
For people who cannot pay the full amount at once, we offer payment by installments in individual cases. Please contact us at: workshop@tanzfabrik-berlin.de
Please note: First come, first served, workshop places are limited.

To the documentation of the 2022 workshop ↪  here

Deborah Hay

Deborah Hay is a radical and influential choreographer and performer who continues to examine how perception influences our experience of dance. She has an Honorary Doctor of the Arts Degree from the Theatre Academy Helsinki and is an inaugural recipient of a 2012 Doris Duke Performing Artists Award.  She has written 4 books about her experiments with perception and the moving body. Tanz Im August 2019 and Barcelona's Mercat de les Flors have presented retrospectives of her work. www.deborahhay.com
Advanced + professional dancers
In English
Preis: 850/750€*
*Early bird until 19.05.