Uferstudios 3
Badstr. 41A, Uferstr. 23
13357 Berlin
Photo: Carlos Collado

Deep Fall in Bodies Memories – fully booked

Performance-Projekt with Sonia Rodríguez

We all have our own emotional repertoire.

This can be coherent or incoherent with the situation we find ourselves in. The body as a vessel for the emotional enables us to perceive our inner world and to connect with the outer world. The structures stored in body memory are an essential basis of our experience of self and identity: each person's individual history and idiosyncrasy is expressed in their bodily habits and behaviours.

In this project I would like not only to deepen and share my own movement research through my body memory and development acquired as a performer and choreographer in dance, but also to work on tools that help the participants to channel and deepen their own stories, with the help of different improvisation tasks.
All this with the aim of finding a common choreographic language that weaves all our individual stories together.

Following this idea, starting from the physicality of movement, we will explore the different qualities and intensities of energy in a three-dimensional space.

I invite all dancers who are interested in exploring new codes of movement through emotion. In addition, the focus will be on recognising the abilities and limitations of each individual dancer in order to integrate them into the dance.

Additionally there is a Contemporary class with Sonia Rodríguez  from 20.02. – 05.04.2023 (except 08.03.) | Mon & Wed 18:10-19:40
Beginning with tuning into the body, Sonia will introduce specific exercises designed to engage the muscles and release excess tension through the use of the breath. Refined articulations will be explored in the centre, followed by extended combinations to emphasize the development of kinetic awareness and the use of muscular opposition to facilitate flexibility into, out of and off the floor. The class will finish with more complex phrases combining different energetic qualities, different levels, working our presence and material from Sonia’s company repertoire.

Sonia Rodríguez

Sonia Rodríguez, born in Las Palmas de Gran Canarias (Spain), has been dancing with Provisional Dance, Charleroi Danses , En-Knap , Gissela, Rui Horta Stage Works , Lanonima Imperial, Cia Cobos Mika, Cie Dysounbo, Cie Yann Lheureux, La Baraka  among others. In 2002 she founded her own Company, Cía. Sonia Rodríguez. Many of her productions have been state funded and supported through artistic residency programs. Her work has been shown in America, Asia, and Europe.  Since 2013 Sonia is based in Berlin and has been invited as a guest teacher and choreographer to National Dance School EDCN, Cia En-Knap, Saarländisches Staatsheater,  Cia Norrdans, Conservatori Professional de Dansa de l’Institut de Teatre, Sasha Waltz & Guest, Cia Aracaladanza, Cia Moudansa, Cia IT Dansa, Scottish Dance Theater Rep Dundee, Carmen Senra Dance Studio, Varium - espai de moviment, La Caldera, Centre de Creació de Dansa i Arts Escèniques,  María Carbonell dance studio, Area, Espai de Dansa i Creació, Conservatori Superior de Dansa de l’Institut del Teatre, Berlin Dance Institute, Dart,  Nothern School of Contemporary Dance, Iwanson School, TanzfabrikBerlin, Beijing Dance Festival, Danseu Festival, Marameo Tanzprobebhüne, Profitraining Basel, Real Conservatorio Superior de Danza“Mariemma”, Danceworks, Cie Toula Limnaios, Dart, Skänes Dansteater, B12, Carte Blanche. 
Level: Movement Experience / Intermediate
Mon + Wed 20:00 - 22:00
Showing: 05.04.2023 / 21:00
No class 08.03.2023 > Holiday
Fee: 200 € / red.: 180 € / professional dancers: 160 €
Registration: schule@tanzfabrik-berlin.de
Phone 030.786 58 61

en / starts 20.02.