Present Perfect Continuous is a performance project that imagines to have started in an undefined period in the past between 'before now' and ‘now’. The performers will be moving in an infinite and constantly transforming loop that has been started, but perhaps not yet finished. The space, the bodies, the voices will morph together in unison. The performers will be rooted in the NOW and navigate between the process and the outcome. We will work on a common vocabulary and train our intuition in body and mind. And we will make it happen together. This “deal” between all the performers and me as a choreographer, will bring about a sense of community, a utopian metaphor for a reality where we all have equal space. We will bring on stage a process that is always in progress and about to be completed, but never happens. We will search the undefined, the beautiful liminality of being in between. Repetitive rotations of a single body part will trigger the next looping action and so on, unfolding a catalogue of contrasting situations and emotional states.
Additionally there is a class with Angelo Petracca: "Logical Honesty - Impro tools" from 09.01. – 15.02.2023 | Mon & Wed 18:10-19:40
My work is based on the improvisation methods I developed during my in-depth research on movement. The class takes place in the form of physical and emotional exploration of the possibilities of the body: starting from internal listening to small physiological sensations, I push the participants to the limits of their physical and mental possibilities, working on movement parameters such as RHYTHM, INTENSITY, VOLUME, COMPLEXITY. I invite the body to search for honesty in movement through logical/mathematical resources that lower the expectation in everything we create with dance. During the work session, I help the "intelligent body" to abandon self-judgment in order to free its true dance. I create a space where you can improvise with logic and having fun with the aim of providing tools and inspirations that are useful in every movement practice. A succession of exercises, suggestions, small experiments that lead the participants on a journey in the body and with the body, tiring and liberating.