Uferstudios 12
Badstr. 41A, Uferstr. 23
13357 Berlin
Photo: Lamin Leroy Gibba, Til Schindler, Malcolm Louis Reiss

Short Film Movie Night


In the frame of Tanznacht Forum: Feminist School Berlin

On Friday evening we invite you to a multifaceted short film program as part of the Feminist School Berlin. Both in front of and behind the camera, the artists' practice questions and subverts exploitative, racist and discriminatory structures of our society. From an intersectional BIPoC perspective they deal with topics such as care work & exploitation, migration, black queer feminism, race, gender, interpersonal relations, body, dance & performance.


Hundefreund (18'40 min.)
BIPoC Filmsociety, Regie: Maissa Lihedheb
Language: German 
Subtitles:  English

 ↪ Organizar lo (im)posible (13'54 min.)
Regie: Tonina Matamalas, Carme Gomila
Language: Spanish
Subtitles:  English
NEGRUM3 (21'53 min.)
Regie: Diego Paulino
Language: Portuguese
Subtitles:  English
Colors in Between (Premiere, 11'44 min.)
Regie, Lighting Concept: Raquel Rosildete
Filmmaker: Tuca Paoli
Music: Sea Novaa
Without Speech

YAGI'S KALEIDOSKOP #1 (12'37 min.)
Regie: Yergalem Taffere, With: Kim Darbouze
Language: English
No Subtitles

House Of Living Colors (25'47 min.)
Regie: Katrina Singleton
Language: English
No Subtitles

Attention: The places are limited and a registration is necessary. We urgently ask you to cancel  in advance if you can't come.

Triggerwarning: Some films contain scenes of sexual content, nudity, emotional violence & discrimination.

Access Information
The film evening consists of several short films of 15-25 min. each and one main break. It will be possible to leave/enter the room between the films as well as during the break. The short films will be in different spoken languages with different language subtitles (more details to follow when the exact program is published). Everyone is welcome to attend.
The film evening will take place in Studio 12 at Uferstudios. For detailed directions, go ↪ here. It is a no-stairs, wheelchair accessible dance studio with three glass doors to the courtyard. It is regularly ventilated during all breaks and the hygiene regulations in force at the time will be observed. The accessible toilet is located in the booth opposite, in front of Studio 3. It is necessary to walk about 6 meters outdoors to reach it. In the event of bad weather, we will provide cleaning facilities. There will be 25 chairs and 15 beanbags available for seating. If you would like to reserve a beanbag in advance or have questions about accessibility, feel free to contact Juan Harcha by email at: harcha@tanzfabrik-berlin.de or by phone at: 030-200 592 70. The room will be darkened.

Information about our team and our awareness guidelines can be found ↪ here
Duration: 150 minutes
Admission free
Registration required