Kreuzberg 2
Möckernstr. 68
10965 Berlin

Continuously into Movement

Kurs with Neta Henik

An improvisation class in which we aim to find our personal way of moving. We start by moving in space and exploring the mobilisation of each body part and getting to know the multiple possibilities of our body. We focus on the individual body parts and play with different tasks, coordination, dynamics and with musical elements. We connect with the movement in space and learn to control and let go of the body. We awaken our awareness and senses and play with sharing and receiving energy from each other.  
The aim of this course is to enable participants to understand the meaning of conscious and unconscious movement and to activate their imagination for movement.

Neta Henik

Neta Henik is a dancer and a dance teacher based in Berlin. She graduated from the Maslool Professional Dance Program, Tel Aviv and started her professional career with Fresco Dance Company, Kolben Dance Company and the Jerusalem dance theatre Company in Israel. As a freelance dancer she worked with the choreographers Sally Anne Friedland, Ronen Itzhaki, Inba Oshman, Keren Horesh-Begun and Ido Tadmor which had been performed in Israel, Europe and the US. Besides Neta is a certified teacher in Pilates and a Grinberg therapist.