Photo: Paul Leclaire

Body//Space//Care//Taking in Urban Context

Workshop with Jan Burkhardt

In the frame of Sommer Tanz 2022

Spaces form bodies, bodies form spaces.
In this workshop we negotiate our individual rhythms, desires and actions in the interplay of physical, psychological and urban spaces. Movement as sensing of traces that are in a place before we enter it, and as an adding on of what wasn’t there before. Sound as resonance of bodies in space, abrasion as remaining trace of an otherwise ephemeral event. All this becomes an interweaving of going and taking, a calibration  between claiming, assimilating, deleting. Form and possibilities of a negotiation of the individual in the group and in the world. Every day will follow a simple basic structure: The first part is dedicated to reading and writing of traces; the dance in the context of the specific sight we pay in. The second part is a re-winding of the traces, a blurring, transforming or deleting. The two parts symbolize and actualize the embeddedness of the human being in the environment and contains the necessity to take care of it. The rewinding, picking up, blurring, transforming is also always an act of sustainability and respect for the non-human world.

Jan Burkhardt

Jan Burkhardt is a freelance dancer/choreographer, Laban-Bartenieff Movement Analyst, musician and physiotherapist. The focus of his artistic and pedagogic work is the resonance between somatic exploration and its communication into space. Jan cooperates internationally with a variety of institutions and artists. He is regular guest lecturer at the dance universities of  Stockholm, Copenhagen and Professor für contemporary dang ein artistic context at HfMT Cologne.
In English & German
Price: 170/145*
*Early bird until 07.07.2022