Kreuzberg 4
Möckernstr. 68
10965 Berlin
Photo: Rino Pizzi

Non-Discriminatory Learning, Choreography & Performance (waiting list)

WorkshopProjekt with Deborah Hay

In the frame of Sommer Tanz 2022

At the end of the day, we have to manufacture our own meaning, our own purpose – we have to manufacture coherence… to make sense of existence. And when you manufacture purpose, that doesn’t make it artificial – that makes it so much more noble than accepting purpose that is thrust upon you from the outer world. From The Search for Meaning by Brian Greene

Early in my career I knew I could no longer accept the values of an art form that already shaped the trajectory of my life. I was fed but not nourished by my experiences of movement and performance. From that moment on my bodily research has centered around a process I call non-discriminatory learning – rejecting the given that space is empty or that the word empty describes what is not visible to the naked eye.

Workshop-Extension: Moving On – Moving Further  
At the conclusion of this 5-day workshop Hay will chose a small group to collectively determine how to use their experience of non-discriminatory learning to develop a process that can visually translate as ‘vignettes’. The 2-day intensive would include the future projection of a 5-week workshop in 2023 where new vignettes would be choreographed and performed during a week of Berlin-based performances.
27.06. & 28.06.22  10:00-16:00

Thu 23.06.22: 15:00 Talk with Deborah Hay and Dr. Gabriele Brandstetter

Deborah Hay

Deborah Hay is a radical and influential choreographer and performer who continues to examine how perception influences our experience of dance. She has an Honorary Doctor of the Arts Degree from the Theatre Academy Helsinki and is an inaugural recipient of a 2012 Doris Duke Performing Artists Award.  She has written 4 books about her experiments with perception and the moving body. Tanz Im August 2019 and Barcelona's Mercat de les Flors have presented retrospectives of her work. www.deborahhay.com
Mo-Fr: 10:00–16:00 (except Thu: 10:00–17:00) with lunch break
For experienced performers interested in choreography
In English
Price: 500/440*
*Early bird bis 02.06.2022
Funded by the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media in the NEUSTART KULTUR program, the DIS-TANZEN aid program of the Dachverband Tanz Deutschland.