Photo: Julie Lemberger

Klein Technique™

Online Workshop with Barbara Mahler

In the frame of Oster Tanz 2022

Klein Technique™ is a system that allows movers of all kinds and levels to achieve more fluidity and ease of movement. The depth to which an individual explores the work in class can be as simple as learning to stretch safely, releasing unnecessary tension and increasing technical facility. We learn from and heal injuries. In Klein Technique™ we work on the level of the bone, the simplest, deepest and densest tissue of the body. We use its clarity and energy to be more connected and grounded through the pelvis and legs, reaching out and up through the skull. Engaging on this level allows us to drop under the layers of muscle that often hold us in set postural configurations which in turn limit our movement. 
The consistency of four days of consecutive classes lends itself to deep awareness and body-felt experience. We connect to the earth through our legs, stride into our life with purpose and confidence.

Barbara Mahler

Barbara Mahler is a major contributor in the outreach of Klein Technique™, teaching almost 40 years. She is a long-standing and active member of the New York City dance community as a choreographer, performer, a movement educator and body worker, and an ongoing faculty member with Movement Research. She travels worldwide in various contexts – as part of ongoing education programs and festivals, and open workshops. Her solo dances have most been seen in Conception, Chile, as part of the BIOBIO Festival, and Judson Memorial Church. Most recent NYC performances include Queens Theater, JCPA and Speyer Hall - University Settlement. www.barbaramahler.net
In English
Price: 100/85€*
*early bird until 4.4.

Time zone: CET