Photo: patch the sky with 5 colored stones

Sky’s Valves

Online-Filmpräsentation with Daria Faïn, Melanie Maar

In the frame of Winter Tanz 2021/22

Melanie Maar and Daria Faïn, who will both teach a workshop in the frame of our Winter Tanz 2021/22 festival, will share with us on Sunday evening two of their joint video works. The first, “daria & melanie” is part process, part object, part symbol, part imagination. An overlapping of visions and ideas around the feminine and came together early on. They spoke about the history of their relationship, their bodies, their sexuality, their fantasies and their connection to the invisible. Then the mandala started to turn. (Creative Editor: nb Zhong). The second, "Sky’s Valves”, a duet by Daria Faïn and Melanie Maar is landing as an opening from the most interior to the most exterior and vis versa. It is a double mirror of the emptiness within and without and from one to another. It cancels dualism as an homage to the feminine. Let’s settle and come into being.
Let’s enjoy a dancing on screen evening together!

Daria Faïn

Daria Faïn (USA/F) was born in the South of France and has lived in Brooklyn since 1996. Faïn has developed C O R E M O T I O N, a unique movement and performance methodology based on 35 years of studies and research on Asian philosophy of the body. She is a certified Qigong teacher from Mantak Chia's Universal Healing Tao since 2001 and a certified Alexander Technique™ teacher since 1990. She has intensively studied Tai Chi, Martial Arts, Internal Energy Activation, Mental Energetics and the 5 Element Theory with master teachers Karfung Wu, Fransicco Albuquerque, Dr. Jan, Frank Allen and Laura Bernard. In 2008 she is co-founded a performing group called "The Commons Choir", with poet Robert Kocik in 2009. Her work has been presented and commissioned by BRIC Arts Media, River to River Festival, New York Live Arts, Gibney Dance, Danspace Project, Dance Theater Workshop, Dance New Amsterdam among others. In the U.S. Faïn has taught at New York University, Sarah Lawrence, Trisha Brown Studio, Rutgers University, Harvard University, Tulane University and Cooper Union. www.dariafain.net   https://patchtheskywith5coloredstones.net

Melanie Maar

Melanie Maar works with performance experience as a guide in creating projects and in teaching groups and individuals. She lives in New York City and Vienna. Her project Line Death Dance was recently shared in a book, a performance and a film in collaboration with The Chocolate Factory Theater, Queens, Judson Memorial Church, ENTKUNSTUNG and The Austrian Cultural Forum NY. In 2016 she received the Artists Award from the NY Foundation for Contemporary Arts. Collaborative projects with artists from sound, light and dance, as with Christian Schröder, Kenta Nagai, Lindsay Packer, Masters of Ceremony, Laurel Atwell and Anaïs Maviel formed her work. Melanie began studying Ballet at her mother’s dance studio in Vienna, later in NY at the Trisha Brown School and at Night Clubs before deepening her studies in improvisation, Qi Gong, Sexology at the Body Electric School, Somatica and touch practices based on Somatics.The last decades of condensing and teaching at Movement Research NY, Senior Citizen Center Bronx, The New School, Pieter LA, ImpulsTanz etc. informed / process as guide / a study program for performance artists she created in 2017. Melanie learned from and performed for: luciana achugar, Janet Panetta, Anthony Braxton, Daria Faïn, Walter Dundevill, RoseAnne Spradlin and Luis Lara Malvacias. www.melaniemaar.com
Tickets: 0/3/6/9€
Time Zone: CET
A duet by Daria Fain & Melanie Maar | Cinematography: Alex Romania | Visuals: Athena Kokoronis | Lights: Tuçe Yasak.