Viktoriapark / Kreuzberg School
Foto: Josephine Lydia

Herbst Tanz Spaziergang #3 – The Body is the Story

Herbst Tanz Spaziergang with Ka Rustler

In the frame of Tanz Spaziergänge

This Podcast invites you onto an enlivening path how we design our brains and minds through movement. Our conscious awareness of this body- brain dialogue influences our perception, our  behavior and the possibility of change.

Ka Rustler

Ka Rustler has been researching and analyzing somatic practices and their embodiment in movement, choreography and therapy for over 35 years. She is a Body-Mind Centering® Practitioner and Teacher, co-chairwoman of the BMCAssociation and the Glia Association, second-generation pioneer of Contact Improvisation, member of the early collective Tanzfabrik Berlin and co-founder of the Authentic Movement Research Group Unwinding the Body. As a co-author of multifaceted productions, she performs with numerous artists and creates social and ecological contexts that are situated within a feminist understanding of embodied subjectivity. Ka teaches internationally, designs training curricula at private and state institutions and in her work combines methods and systems whose application and relevance interface performance, neuroscience and somatics in natural and urban environments. Living next to the forest, neighboring a farrowing brook, she is married, mother of two children, stewarding a permaculture garden with newts, violet carpenter bees as well as edible treasures and (potent smoothie) weeds.
Participation free of charge
Registration is required at  workshop@tanzfabrik-berlin.de
Detailed information on the meeting point will be sent with the registration by e-mail.

Listen & Download from 31.10.21  ↪ here .
In English

↪ Technical Notes
Please make sure you have your own headphones and downloaded audio track ready on your  device when you either arrive at the meeting point of the joint Launch Walk or do it independently. If you have any technical questions, please feel free to contact us.
Please note: If you are using noise-cancelling headphones, this will change the experience of the dance walk. If possible, we advise using headphones that allow external sounds to become part of the listening experience.
The audio walk lasts just approx. 45 min. Wear comfortable shoes & clothes and, feel free to bring your own water/tea.
We ask that you contact us if there are any questions regarding accessibility.

An overview of all HerbstTanz Spaziergänge ↪ here.
By & with Ka Rustler | Music: Florentin Karg