Kreuzberg 3
Möckernstr. 68
10965 Berlin

Biomechanics of Movement

Kurs with Francisco Cuervo

Biomechanics of Movement is a fusion of Klein Technique (stretching, alignment and placement), perceptive pedagogy-fascia work (relationship between body, perception, movement, thinking) and dance. In this class we explore our anatomy and the function of the deep muscles of postural support (psoas, hamstrings pelvic floor and external rotators). This process strengthens body awareness and trains perception so that we experience and understand the structural connectivity (structure of the connective tissue/fascia) and the function of the gliding of the fascia in the body. Through the conscious perception of the textures and structures of the body, we strive for a balance between mobility and stability of body and mind. By exploring the body and mind in movement, we can recognize and change habitual patterns of movement and thought. As a result, we gain more lightness and our potential for movement, creativity, relationship and communication is strengthened so that being can unfold!

Francisco Cuervo

Francisco Cuervo was born in Bogotá and studied dance in Bogotá/Colombia, New York/USA and Essen/Germany. Francisco came to Germany in 1997 and worked as a dancer for the "Tanztheater Christine Brunel", the "Folkwang Tanzstudio" (FTS) in Essen and the "Tanztheater Pina Bausch" in Wuppertal, among others. As a choreographer, Francisco has worked on various youth dance theatre productions in Siegen (NRW), Oranienburg and Berlin. From 2014 to 2015 he completed the certificate course "Creating Dance In Arts and Education" at the University of the Arts/ Berlin Career College and Tanztangente Berlin and in March 2021 he completed the three-year training in "perceptive pedagogy/fascia therapy" in the "Danis Bois Method"/ MDB. (Body, Perception, Movement and Thinking) at the AEMF "Academy for the Development of Human Abilities" in Berlin. Francisco has long been involved in the study and practice of the "Klein Technique" TM (Stretching, Alignment, Placement) with Hanna Hegenscheidt, Barbara Mahler and Susan Klein. He regularly teaches "Biomechanics of Movement" at the Tanzfabrik/Berlin and at TanzZeit contemporary dance in public schools. His teaching is a fusion of Klein Technique Perceptive Pedagogy/Fascia Therapy and dance. Francisco is also a student of the "Unfold Method" Mind-Movement- Instant composition INTENSIVE PROGAMME with Valentina Bordenave in Berlin since February 2024.