Kreuzberg 3
Möckernstr. 68
10965 Berlin

Body-Mind Centering

Kurs with Julia Kleinknecht, Ka Rustler

Through anatomical pictures, movement, perception and touch we will explore bodystructures and movement. We place our attention into different qualities of tissues and move from there: bones, organs, nervous system, endocrine glands, fluids, muscles, senses and voice. In the journey of developmental movement we explore movement possibilites from one celled animal to being a walking human. We will discover how different patterns overlap and support each other and give a ground for our movement and being today. With finest and deep awareness of different bodytissues, through touch and understanding of antomical relationships in our body we evoke presence, threedimensional full-body being for joyous movement.


> 14.01.  Julia
> 21.01.  Julia
> 28.01   Julia
>  04.02.   Ka
> 11.02.   Julia 
> 18.02.   Julia
> 25.02.   Ka 

> 04.03. Julia
> 11.03.  Julia
> 18.03.  Ka
> 25.03.  Ka

> 02.04. Julia

Julia Kleinknecht

Julia Kleinknecht is certified as Somatic Movement Educator and Practitioner of Body-Mind-Centering® (2018 / 2022). She is graduate in cinematography, dancer, theatre professional and dramatherapist (certified DGfT). Intensive movement and bodywork practice since 2002 - Aikido, Shiatsu, Yoga, Contemporary dance and Contact Improvisation, discovering BMC® in 2005 and teaching it since 2018, e.g. at the fabrik Potsdam and Somatische Akademie Berlin. Trained in „Nouveau Cirque“ at Espace Catastrophe in Brussels, in Acting and Physical theatre at International Network Of Actors and MimeCentrum Berlin, and scholar at the Tanzfabrik Berlin from 2005-2009. Various performance projects and member of a puppeteer street theatre company for many years, long term collaboration with aufBruch KunstGefängnisStadt and Constanza Macras / Dorkypark. As well as working for many years with people with special needs at Lebenshilfe Berlin. Currently Julia is engaged as a dramatherapist in a primary school in Berlin Neukölln and in a project with children living in refugee shelters.  She’s also regularly assisting in the BMC®training program of moveus and offering individual sessions. 
Practicing and sharing BodyMindCentering® for Julia is getting to know deeply one’s own nature by experiencing the aliveness of cells, tissues and body systems. Inhabiting ourselves that way nourishes our ability to relate and offers countless possibilities for creative expression, dance and choreographic exploration.  A focus of her current research are developmental movement patterns, embryology and body memory - aiming to unfold loving and connected ways to relate to ourselves, to other beings and to our environment.

Ka Rustler

Ka Rustler has been researching and analyzing somatic practices and their embodiment in movement, choreography and therapy for over 35 years. She is a Body-Mind Centering® Practitioner and Teacher, co-chairwoman of the BMCAssociation and the Glia Association, second-generation pioneer of Contact Improvisation, member of the early collective Tanzfabrik Berlin and co-founder of the Authentic Movement Research Group Unwinding the Body. As a co-author of multifaceted productions, she performs with numerous artists and creates social and ecological contexts that are situated within a feminist understanding of embodied subjectivity. Ka teaches internationally, designs training curricula at private and state institutions and in her work combines methods and systems whose application and relevance interface performance, neuroscience and somatics in natural and urban environments. Living next to the forest, neighboring a farrowing brook, she is married, mother of two children, stewarding a permaculture garden with newts, violet carpenter bees as well as edible treasures and (potent smoothie) weeds.