
Dance of the Persecuted

Online Book Presentation by Nora Amin

In the frame of Sommer Tanz 2021

An online event will be held to explore the feminist dance essay of Nora Amin, Dance of the Persecuted (MSB Matthes & Seitz, March 2021) which can be considered as one of the foundations of her concept for the workshop Re-Rooting. The event will include a reading by Nora, a streamed conversation with the dance critic Arnd Wesemann, and an open discussion. The event is held in cooperation with the publishing house MSB Matthes & Seitz.

Nora Amin

Nora Amin (she/her) is a choreographer, dancer, theatre director, author and scholar. She is an expert/consultant at LAFT/PAP, advisor to Kuyum Dance Platform and board member of the German Center of the International Theater Institute. Nora Amin holds a PhD in performing arts and cultural policy. Her publications include: “Migrating the Feminine / Weiblichkeit im Aufbruch” (2018), and “Dance of the Persecuted / Tanz der Verfolgten” (2021). She is a co-curator/creator of the MA program “Participation, communities, Activism” at London Contemporary Dance School, The Place. Nora Amin wants to follow a path that blurs the boundaries between community dance and staged dance by allowing non-dancers to contribute to reinventing established forms. 
Tickets on donation basis
In English
Time zone: CET