
One Family! – Axis Syllabus & the Sentient

Online Workshop with Frey Faust

In the frame of Winter Tanz 2020/21

A brief, suggestive study, adoption and celebration of some movement patterns we can benefit from or share with other animals. We are built from the same materials as all organic life, starting with carbon, oxygen and hydrogen – the main components of water – and its biological conduit, collagen. Collagen fibers hold form and create substance for both plant and animal kingdoms. This makes for many similar if not identical movement possibilities we can have with all life on our dainty little dewdrop of a planet. While humans seem unspecified physically, and define their skills through habit rather than instinct, other animals seem to have superior skills that are specifically adapted to their evolutionary niche. This might be why humans throughout the ages have looked to both aquatic and mammalian neighbors as brilliant examples of guarded sincerity, alertness, speed, accuracy, strength and flexibility. In this workshop Frey Faust – against the backdrop of his collection of biochemical movement information called ‘The Axis Syllabus’ – will share detailed observations made on a few specific creatures, and use these observations to develop movement fractals to practice together. Movement fractals are concepts which, once internalized, are material for creative play, rather than choreographic replication. We will also study and absorb some examples during the class through studying video documentation of other animals that the participants are welcome to bring and share.

Please note: Due to the current situation the workshop will take place online!

Frey Faust

Now 61, Frey Faust began performing on the street as a pantomime, dancer-actor in the family troupe at the age of eight. At the age of fourteen, Nita Little, the co-founder of the movement, introduced him to contact improvisation, which he has practiced and taught all his life. He also studied Capoeira, African Dance, fencing, karate, Aikido, jazz, ballet, yoga, percussion, physics and anatomy. He has worked a.o. with Merce Cunningham, Meredith Monk, Stephen Petronio and Donald Byrd. In the 90's Frey began to compile The Axis Syllabus lexicon, which is now available in its fifth edition at www.axissyllabusforum.org.  He also built a written symbolic language for movement notation, evaluation, pathology diagnosis and invention called the Human Movement Alphabet, also available on the Axis Syllabus Forum. He continues to create, perform and teach across the globe to this day! Together with Francesca Pedulla and Baris Mihci, he is building a center for the Axis Syllabus Meshwork in the south of Italy. To find out more about this, look up The Wayfarer's Root: www.laradicedeiviandanti.org.
Level: Movement experience
In English
Prices: 120€ (100€*)
*Early Bird until 16.12.20