Uferstudios 4
Badstr. 41A, Uferstr. 23
13357 Berlin
Foto: Michiel Keuper

Visible Undercurrent

Showing by Peter Pleyer

VISIBLE UNDERCURRENT, the piece by Peter Pleyer traces the developments in dance and its dispersions in the 80s and 90s into the present. A new generation of dancers and choreographers is now making its presence felt in Berlin, one which deserves to understand its his tory. Visible Undercurrent, with its dancers from Berlin and New York maps out the influences and pathways in the contemporary dance world, and shows how they are interwoven in personal stories, politics and history. During the rehearsal process the dancers are con fronted with historical material and methods to explore physical and conceptual freedom, creating possibilities for little explored structures of choreographic practice. In dialogue with the past, lost inspirations and under currents have been rediscovered and made available for the future.

Performer: Asaf Aharonson, Marcio Canabarro, Mor Demer, Paul Singh
Premiere and performances 13.-15.11.2014 / 21 Uhr / Sophiensaele.

Peter Pleyer

Peter Pleyer studied at the European Dance Development Centre (EDDC) in Arnhem before working with Yoshiko Chuma and Mark Tompkins as a dancer and choreographic assistant. He has lived in Berlin since 2000. From 2007 to 2014, he was Artistic Director of the Tanztage Berlin and from 2012 to 2014, a member of the Sophiensæle team. His interest as a choreographer and performer, dramaturge and coach, lies in finding new methods of integrating dance training, composition and improvisation into choreographic processes, such as, e.g., in the lecture-performance “Choreographing Books“ or in “Visible Undercurrent“ (2014). He teaches at various colleges and festivals in Europe and contributed to establishing a university course in Contemporary Dance in Berlin.

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