Photo: Ludger Storcks

BMC® – Moving between Fluids

Online-Workshop with Ka Rustler

In the frame of Virtual Workshop Series

An embodied exploration into a fluid matrix

In these last weeks we are captivated by the dimension of grinding halts, range of flexibility, adjustments and change of speed. This asks for transition, transformation and recollection. Qualities inherent in the organism that we call our body. Through this series Ka Rustler wants to share her research on the dynamics and cycles of the fluids in our bodies and how they can support us in these challenging times. How we move between liquid states resonates, vibrates and pulsates with our life experience. Like in society, multicellular organizations merge individual autonomy with social interaction. Moving between our liquid states we resonate with our life experience remembering the fluid support from the cellular to the global. Let’s vibrate and dance together!

Dates: Sa 20.6. + Sa 27.6. + Sa 4.7.2020

20.6.  Bone Marrow & Mitochondria
The Bone Marrow is the primary site of producing white and red blood cells. And therefore it plays an important balancing role for our immune system. We move from bone and its marrow exploring their fluid paths.

27.6.  Cells & Cytokine
Life on this planet vibrates and pulsates around a basic unit of cells. Taking in or leaving out, all cells communicate along their membranes. Through hands-on and movement we dive into spaces and layers.

4.7.  Tubes & Tissues
While the circulatory system works on different time scales, it corresponds to the webbing of the surrounding tissues as a living, responsive network. We will embody and move from various streaming structures expanding them into a flowing form.

If you have any questions please feel welcome to contact us at: workshop@tanzfabrik-berlin.de

Ka Rustler

Ka Rustler has been researching and analyzing somatic practices and their embodiment in movement, choreography and therapy for over 35 years. She is a Body-Mind Centering® Practitioner and Teacher, co-chairwoman of the BMCAssociation and the Glia Association, second-generation pioneer of Contact Improvisation, member of the early collective Tanzfabrik Berlin and co-founder of the Authentic Movement Research Group Unwinding the Body. As a co-author of multifaceted productions, she performs with numerous artists and creates social and ecological contexts that are situated within a feminist understanding of embodied subjectivity. Ka teaches internationally, designs training curricula at private and state institutions and in her work combines methods and systems whose application and relevance interface performance, neuroscience and somatics in natural and urban environments. Living next to the forest, neighboring a farrowing brook, she is married, mother of two children, stewarding a permaculture garden with newts, violet carpenter bees as well as edible treasures and (potent smoothie) weeds.

Level: open
In English
Total costs for the 3 dates: 75€
Workshop-Registration here