
Puzzle ohne Anleitung


A multi-generational dance project by and for people between 8-99 years.

Life is like a puzzle. To complete the picture, some pieces are put together by chance, others I have to put together myself (...) Susanne Panter

Imagine meeting in one room a retiree around 60, an 11-year-old boy, a 30-year-old mother and an 18-year-old high school graduate. What do they have in common? Which topics do they discuss, which dances do they dance together, what are the experiences they share?
From autumn 2019 to spring 2020, 21 people between the ages of 8 and 67 have been rehearsing, dancing, fighting, laughing together. They have been meeting in rehearsals once per week and in extra intensive rehearsals, digital formats and while watching dance performances at Berlin theatres. Through these experiences, the participants got to know their differences and similarities, understood each other better, slowly became friends and a group. They have been working with the game “puzzle” as a main theme, questioning if the participants felt sometimes like “lost pieces”, writing stories about belonging to, or creating puzzles with their own bodies. Puzzling is a strong metaphor for bringing generations together, on a common ground and a fantastic source of dance and choreographic ideas and tools, in combination with other artistic forms, which also bring their “pieces” to the final puzzle.

The link for the short film here

Conceived, realized and accompanied by the team of Alessandra Lola Agostini and Claudia Garbe (concept/ choreography), Ingolf Watzlaw (stage/costume), Vera Buhß (music) and Franziska Richter (video) | Short film: Claudia Garbe | Project management: Janina Emrath | The project is a cooperation between Tanzfabrik Berlin, Uferstudios, Max-Beckmann-Oberschule, Mark-Twain-Grundschule and Freunde alter Menschen (Famev) | Sponsored by ChanceTanz, a project of „Aktion Tanz - Bundesverband Tanz in Bildung und Gesellschaft e.V.“ as part of the program „Kultur macht stark. Bündnisse für Bildung“ des BMBF.