Antonin Rioche
Starting off with a warm-up, a mix of exercises from the Hatha technique, meditation methods and also some breathing exercises to warm and wake up the body and mind to sensitivity. A passionate focus on movement coming from the inside out and vice versa. Redirecting energy and dancing with it. Antonin uses improvisation skills within a different focus, for example directing movement and attention to different layers like the bones, the skin, and the muscles. The different individual layers that compose us, and how focus can influence dancing and movement qualities. Antonin also has interest in the work of weight and the roots that yoga has taught him, finding ways to develop them into dance and improvisation to arrive at the point of explorative letting go.
Antonin Rioche (France, 1994) has previously worked with Sacha Waltz, Roy Assaf, Theo Clinkard, Olivier Dubois, Marina Mascarell and at Korzo with Ryan Djojokarso. Rioche also had a desire to develop further in dance. At the invitation of Sidi Larbi Cherkaoui he takes his first steps as a choreographer with the production Oh Boy! who tours internationally with performances in Antwerp, Berlin, Paris, Geneva and The Hague.