Uferstudios 3
Badstr. 41A, Uferstr. 23
13357 Berlin
Photo: Ramón Rodriguez

Hunting Words in Shapes (fully booked)

Performance-Projekt with Maria Colusi

How do we embody ideas through shapes? What underlies our movement behaviours? How do we work with words as we articulate the body in space and time? We will start to explore ideas, sensations, reactions and emotions flowing from the words, playing and understanding the word as significant or as an object/ sound.
This performance project has the purpose that each participant can discover and develop her or his personal creative potential as performer, choreographer or teacher. In the practice we will focus on the listening and sharing of our own ideas, reflecting how and in which way we make, develop and communicate them with the others. During the building process of the work we will use improvisation and fix material, creating solos, duets, trios that could also be shared with in the whole group. Each week we will focus on different physical tasks coming from me but also from what is emerging from the work group dynamic. The final choreographic work will be a result of our exchange and common understanding of the entire process.

Fee: 190 € / red: 170 € / professional dancers: 150 €

Additionally there is a Contemporary class with Maria Colusi from 06.09.- 27.10.2021 | Mo & Mi 18:10-19:40
The interest of this class is to find new perspectives in how we think the body and the movement.  The first part of the class is a guided improvisational warm-up, where we tune the body by integrating the breath, gravity, textures, supports, rhythms, speed changes and coordination in order to create a dialogue between the action and the awareness of the spontaneous movement. In the second part we will embody, explore and develop different movement-tasks or ideas articulating them in time and space challenging the way we phrase movements and stimulating our choices and creativity. The third part focuses on the practice of composition in a group form, using all the previously worked elements in a playful and precise way. 

Maria Colusi

Maria Colusi, born in Argentina is a dancer, teacher, choreographer and mentor based in Berlin. She graduated at the Taller de Danza Contemporanea del teatro Gral. / San Martin as well as studied  dance and choreography in France and at the American Dance festival/ USA. She was a member of Sasha Waltz and Guest Company, Ballet Contemporaneo Teatro Gral. San Martin and Tangokinesis. She has simultaneously developed her own choreographic work that has been performed in several venues as Radial System, Berliner Ensemble, Dorky Park, DOCK11, Schloss Solitude Germany, Kunst Festival des Arts, Belgium, Centro Artistico it Grattaclelo, Italy among others.
She is teaching dance and improvisation at Tanzfabrik , Marameo, Laborgras, Tanzhalle, Staatsballet, Sasha Waltz Company /Berlin, CDSH Hamburg, Associazione Europea DANZA /Italy, UNA University/Argentina, Maslool Dance School /Israel Tanzschule MK, South Korea, Institut del Teatre /Barcelona etc.
Mon + Wed 20:00 - 22:00
Showing: 27.10.2021 / 21:00
Level: Intermediate
Registration: mueller@tanzfabrik-berlin.de
Phone 030.786 58 61

starts 06.09.